Flurry Animation idea

So i have been wandering around High Isle durign the event and have noticed that the Soulrazer Knight duelists (dual wielding ones) have this neat animation where they swing both their blades around in circular motions. to hit the enemy. Personally i feel that such an animation respects the concept of a flurry attack and can be used by all of the dual wielding weapon combinations.

thoughts? i would post a video or screen of it but i never can get images or video to actually post on these forums.
  • LesserCircle
    I have a better idea, bring back the original animation and stop messing around with old ones that were perfectly fine ZOS. If you want to introduce new animations, give us new skill lines. ZOS.
    Edited by LesserCircle on October 3, 2022 9:26AM
  • Ragnarok0130
    I have a better idea, bring back the original animation and stop messing around with old ones that were perfectly fine ZOS. If you want to introduce new animations, give us new skill lines. ZOS.

    ^^^Ding ding ding we have a winner! I want ZoS to verify that the customizable actions coming in U36 apply to things like flurry and jabs and not just gathering and traveling. These animation changes were uncalled for and completely baffling after 8 years. If ZoS wants to change animations make them optional and give the players a choice, ZoS simply could have adjusted the duration of jabs without nuking the entire animation and making it a vampiric staff.
  • whitecrow
    The original animation never made sense to me. How do my axe and my mace suddenly turn into swords/daggers?

    I much prefer the new one. At first it did look like blind flailing but now I've gotten used to it it doesn't any more.
  • Einher2137
    IMO there are bigger problems to solve, like dissapering weapons when you cast spells. Those things need rework, flurry is fine atm.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    whitecrow wrote: »
    I much prefer the new one. At first it did look like blind flailing but now I've gotten used to it it doesn't any more.

    and I can no longer use the skill because all I see is arm flailing that resembles me when I'm tired and tries to hit a mosquito that's buzzing somewhere nearby.

    Updating the old animation could've worked, if the new one had actually been good and fitting the skill.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • WraithShadow13
    Personally, i loved that manic stabbing motion. It made sense and looked good for single targets. As stated, though, it didn't make sense for the non-stabby weapon styles. That said, the current animation DOES just look... bad. It's overly cartoonish and slow and would GET you stabbed more than dealing damage to others. A flurry should be quick short movements, not some slow, too wide swings of your arms.

    There are reasons you would NEVER see that in a real-world situation and even in game, it just... it looks bad and unrealistic, which is saying something when you can play as cat people and lizards while shooting lightning at people.
  • Amottica
    I have a better idea, bring back the original animation and stop messing around with old ones that were perfectly fine ZOS. If you want to introduce new animations, give us new skill lines. ZOS.


    I was going to say we have seen enough complaining about animation changes to know it is not favorable.

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