It's so frustrating to see this game going in the absolute wrong direction the past few years...
Right now
-- there is No Q for Cyrodil's main campaign on a Friday or Sat night (PS4 NA)
-- In PvE you can't tell what sets you are wearing unless you look at the name (I'll explain later)
-- I have friends in Battlegrounds posting 3million dmg with 1 kill and like 5 assists.
Is this a misguided quest for balance by essentially making everything the same? Balance should be "Roles" or Good vs this, Bad vs this.. like remember when DK's were a nightmare for Sorcs, and Templars were a nightmare for DK's and Nightblades were a nightmare for anyone standing by themselves not paying attention?
Now I'm playing World of Tanks in PvP.
The average enemy is 35k health, 25k armor, in some ultra fast moving ball group that can't be CC'd and and good luck if I can even 1 focus one enemy with the tiny target window and delays on skills... regardless the hardest hitting skill I am going to muster after the Nerf's to heavy attacks is probably around 15k..
When I say all damage sets are the same...
--- Don't you think something that only improves FIRE or LIGHTNING Damage should actually make a difference on that?
I can show up with generic damage at 6000 (for example) or where a specified set and get maybe 6300... That is absolutely irrelevant, especially in PvP.
-- I know many people hate proc sets, but regardless 95% of them are worthless-- what good is a 5k proc? Nothing much.
-- If set does one thing, or only effects one kind of enemy it should matter.
I would hope the declining numbers in PvP would inspire ESO to reach out to the main player base, instead of whomever they are listening to now (it has to be ball groups or stam trolls with no interest in the actual game who want to be able to run away whenever they are hit, and anytime they die the game is broken and something needs nerfed)--- I say that, because these are the only effective builds in PvP at this point.
I have played Max Dmg. Single Target DPS for 5 years. I can frequently have 7k dmg, 25k pen, Crit dmg of +35%, with a 4 skill non-crit tool tip combo of 60k+, on the rare occasion I hit it perfect, everything Crits, most players still walk away. This isn't me bragging, I'm just making the point I understand damage, I love theory crafting, I like to play non-conventional even stupid builds once and a while... but right now this is so mundane, obviously others feel that way aslo, looking at the population.
I'd start by taking every damage set and TRIPLING every number on them (if something is ludicrious, fine, nerf that one set.. still better than right now) , and then maybe work down from there, unless this is exactly what you want, in which case just say so... so people like myself give up all hope and move on.