The current state of ESO from the perspective of someone whose been playing for over 6+ years that spans across PlayStation 4 to PC with collectively around 300+ days of playtime.
Here we go...
In the post I'll touch on many aspects of the game from what it used to be to what it is now. From what drew me into the game to what is making it difficult for me to want to log in each day. I've gone back and forth about making this post because I know it will touch on many highly debated features and maybe even alienate certain players. Also this is not a "im quitting" post. More or less just how I feel and what I would like to see change from the perspective of my experience.
First I'd like to talk about the type of player I am and what I enjoy doing the most. I am an end game player who does parse for over 100k. I have been for a while. Although I do trials from time to time, they arent my favorite activities in the game. I do them for the gear I need and once I've done that I'm finished. My true enjoyment comes from 4 man content and solo content. I do a lot of vet dungeons and achievements. I enjoy learning to do vet 4 man quickly so when new motifs drop I can farm them up to make plenty of gold. I also do crafting and I enjoy a bit of PvP with earning emperor numerous amounts of time.
I get a lot of enjoyment on finding new ways to progress my character in meaningful ways. In 4 man content, solo and PvP. Progression and farming has always been something that has kept me coming back to ESO.
Lets talk about one of the first major changes in ESO during my time of playing... Maelstrom and Master weapons only dropping from vet.
This is something to this day I wish was never changed. I understand the need to make something more accessible. But back then if you were someone with maelstrom or master weapons it meant something. It was a journey and a strong sense of accomplishment. I remember when I got my first maelstrom bow. I remember when I got a maelstrom dagger and axe dual wield drop. These are some of my favorite moments in ESO. Long before the "sticker book" and "curated drops". The overwhelming sense of achievement and satisfaction. Knowing you are now part of a smaller % of players to have such items was so rewarding. Then when the change was made and none of the maelstrom or master weapon I acquired werent even grandfathered into perfected version even though they dropped from vet. Now everyone was walking into normal maelstrom and dragonstar and getting the same items I spent so much time and energy working to get. I felt like my sense of accomplishment was stripped from me.
Now lets talk about the "Sticker Book"...
Another feature people enjoy but I also feel like is damaging to the longevity of the game. Back before this feature, drops felt so much more meaningful. It was painful to spend so much time not getting what you wanted but then when it did... oh man did that feel good. Another sense of accomplishment. But what has the sticker book done for the game in terms or replayability and longevity? It also means people are spending less time in content. once your sticker book is full, why go back and farm for more? The Sticker book has also had major damaging impacts to value of items in overland... Mothers sorrow and Briarheart are now a dime a dozen. There is little reason to farm overland sets for value. The sticker book has stripped that value away in every possible way. Which is one less thing to enjoy doing. Does anyone remember the large groups running together to farm 3 world bosses for spriggans weapons? Those days are long gone.
Which leads us to curated drops...
Another way that item drops are now less exciting. Its taken the fun out of farming and grinding for that "WOW, YES!" moment. It's completely gone. I dont get excited about loot drops anymore. Because I know what I want is coming. Now you have people picking every item up from a set except for the most desired one to sell its guaranteed drop to someone. It's just that easy.
One of the things that has kept me playing for sooo long has been the item hunt. Grinding out dungeons, arenas and overland for what I need and getting excited for when it finally drops. I have no reason to farm anything anymore. It's all in my collection and as cheap as 25 transmute to reconstruct in any trait I want. And with 10 transmute per random dungeon per character, its a cake walk to reconstruct. The whole sense of accomplishment and excitement has been completely stripped away. I get some people dont like farming, but you have to remember what kind of game you are playing, this is an MMO RPG with loot. loot hunting is a core staple of that experience and something that adds incredible longevity to your play time.
Speaking of rewards and accomplishments, lets talk about skins and personalities...
I remember when a new dungeon DLC would drop, we would have to work hard to get several achievements to earn skins and personalities. A carrot at the end of the stick. Something for you to work towards. What has happened to that? Well... The Crown store happened. They stopped releasing them in 4 man content and now almost all skins and personalities are behind a pay wall. That sucks man. That really, really sucks. The rewards from all the new dungeon DLCs are so lack luster. Another carrot you've taken away from players to work towards earning something cool. One could argue that the trial mounts still hold that value, and that is true, but we are talking about a very less then 1% of player base to earn this.
And lets talk about ZOS completely predictable release pattern of content that has become incredibly stale...
Every year before they even do a stream to reveal what we have in store for us this year, I cant already tell you what we are going to get. It hasnt changed since Morrowind. 1st a DLC dungeon with 6 new sets and 2 new monster sets. Then a Chapter with a new zone with 3 new overland sets, 3 new crafted sets, new trial sets and some new "system". then another dungeon DLC with 6 more new sets and 2 more monster sets and then a smaller zone DLC with a smaller system, 3 more new overland sets and 3 new crafted sets and sprinkled in between all these are some new PvP sets that people complain about because it ALWAYS finds a way to break PvP. This has been the formula for years now. It hasnt changed at all...
Lets talk about the over saturation of sets in this game...
If your still reading then you know how I just pointed out how many new sets we get each year. Its actually absurd how many sets exist in this game and just how many of them are completely useless. Meta will always Meta. Im not sure why ZOS feels like new content always has to mean "MORE SETS!". At this point the sets we get are just remakes of other sets but for their magika or stamina counter parts. So speaking of magika and stamina....
Lets talk about hybridization...
This is something I'll never stand behind. Everything scaling off of everything makes builds and class identity feels almost irrelevant. I miss before when I had to put thought into how I built a character. what abilities I used, how they were scaling off of what. Now none of that matters. You have Spell/magic damage characters using dual wield daggers and you have stamina based characters using destruction staves. There really is no identity anymore. And because of this every ability in the game now needs to follow all these damage rule sets and everything feels the same. Everything needs to be on an even playing field. The personality, flair, uniqueness of class, weapon, skill identity is going out the window. I'm sure some people will disagree, and thats fine, but this is some level of truth in this. even if you dont agree with all of it. And you have to realize the direction ZOS is taking this...
Even now with all the celebration events and holiday events, they all feel the same. New Life and Witches Festival have remained the same for years. All the celebration events are basically "double drops and double nodes" These havent changed.
The current state of the game has been a lot about making everything simpler, easier and not changing the formula in terms of content. I have a hard time getting on and playing each day because I log on and I think "okay.... what am I going to do today? What do I need to do?" and the answer always seems to be "Nothing". Besides farming resource nodes all day and doing the same crafting dailies over and over... There's nothing for me to do. There's nothing for me to grind out. No sets for me to farm. The longevity has been stripped and simplified for the casuals that I struggle with finding meaningful content to do. As each patch and update goes live my character and damage gets more nerfed and nerfed.
Im begging you ZOS to take a hard look at your game. Think about longevity of the player experience. Think of new exciting ways to shake up the player experience. The community has given you so many great ideas from spell crafting to higher difficulty tiers for overland. Maybe a new PvEvP zone. Or a new legit end game zone for players. Craglorn 2.0 Bring back "Entering a group area". I know you are so afraid to alienate new players but you need to stop coddling them and give them something to chase. You need to give them a carrot at the end of the stick to keep them coming back. Just making the game easier for them and more accessible is only going to shorter their time invested into the game and hurt your dedicated playerbase who has been here for years.