"Auto Play Cards" for bots

Add that when choosing "Auto Play Cards" bots dealt their cards with the same option enabled. I spend more time animating the bot to lay out its cards one by one than the match itself.
  • spartaxoxo
    This is a good suggestion. The NPC actually takes a surprising amount of time to play 1 coin cards.
  • Skvysh
    Digital version of Star Realms has quite fast actions and animations for AI opponents, as seen here.

    Perhaps a bit too fast to follow in ToT (because of patrons as well as additional mechanics not seen in SR), but there's definitely a point between what can be seen in SR and what we have now where the AI matches wouldn't be made up of 75% waiting for the opponent to finish playing their cards, 20% waiting for your animations to play out and 5% being actual playing.
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