Cosmetic improvement for eye related cosmetics

could we give eye changing cosmetics like the "eyes of Umaril" its own slot? wanting to get a blue frosty eye glow but when i unlocked this one to play around with it noticed it removed my psijic markings on my face, so im debating if i really want the blue eyes when they swing around.

with this change we can have further customization without sacrificing things like make up or tattoos
PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • boi_anachronism_
    I've been wondering about this. I had blood rune markings for my face and then when I added wryd eyes it was removed. Kinda bummed about it.
  • NoticeMeArkay
    Scars and eye cosmetics need their own sections. The problem grows with each additional type of cosmetic.
    My suggestion would be:


    - Hats
    - Hair Styles
    - Head Markings (Including face paint and make up)
    - Ocular Accessoires (Blind, glowing and custom colored eyes)
    - Scars and Blemishes (Divided in two sections, one for facial and one for the body)
    - Facial Hair
    - Facial Accessoires
    - Jewelry
    - Body markings (Including only tattoos and war paint)
  • Athyrium93
    Yes!!! I was so disappointed by this, I got both eye options and was so sad when they removed the black eye makeup & lipstick. I thought it would make them really stand out.

    Please just let us layer effects. I'd love to have the cool eye effects along with other cosmetics.
    Edited by Athyrium93 on October 2, 2022 12:14PM
  • theoriginalpickle
    10000% agree i got the wyrd eyes for my necro to make it even creepier and removing my body and facial tattoos wasn't worth it for the eyes.
    ]I am always the original pickle tickler nothing will stop my merciless reign
  • Michae
    Yes please. I don't use those eyes, and face markings in general as they "heal" scars on my characters.
    "I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
    Sotha Sil

    @Michae PC/EU
  • Danikat
    I agree.

    It's annoying to lose other markings in order to use an eye effect even though there's no overlap between the two. It's also annoying that eye effects are spread across a few categories, seemingly randomly, which makes them hard to find. Some are classed as facial hair for some reason.

    They've done something similar before - originally it was only possible to have 1 marking and 1 accessory because they were chosen in the character creator and it only has options for 1 of each. When they added the bundles to the crown store they split them into major and minor adornments and separated things like head markings and facial hair which made it possible to use more than one of each on the same character (and also removed some of the race restrictions, because each race only gets a sub-set of the total options in the character creator). So it can be done.

    When we only had a few eye effects (I think originally it was only the blind eyes) it probably wasn't worth having a dedicate category. Now we've got a lot more and keep getting new ones I think it would make sense.

    (Also I really want to give my crafter a blind eye under his eye patch, but can't do it without losing his beard/stubble. Which is especially weird because when I created him all 3 came together - choosing the eye patch accessory also gave him stubble and the eye underneath it was blind. At some point they removed the blind eye from the eye patch accessory and adding it back hides the stubble. All I want is the character I made as he originally looked, which used to be possible but was removed.)
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • dsalter
    im glad im not alone in this gripe, i really do enjoy the golden eyes and looking forward to some frosty eyes but this current override thing is making it non-enjoyable because its ruining the look im going for
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Gruumsh1
    +1 from the Aussie judge ;)
    Gruumsh, Gruumsh, Gruumsh, Gruumsh, Miiighty Gruumsh!
  • HelixUnited
    agreed i want face tattoos and my Darlocs golden eyes
  • Lauranae
    Lips should also have their own. Cant use any of the lips if i want to use also a skin face marker :(
    My most recent characters
    AD - Chjara NB
  • FlipFlopFrog
    Just showing my support for this. I really want a blind right eye and a beard, but having both the eye and beard in facial hair makes it imossible, which makes me sad. :'(
    PC EU
  • iPlayOnlyESO
    +support comment
  • FlipFlopFrog
    Also, kind of an annoying thing with having all the cosmetic options lumped into one category is that it takes ages to sift through the massive list to find the one you want. I know it's in alphabetical order but sometimes you don't remember the name just how it looks. Having a few more categories would really help save time imo.
    PC EU
  • Zorrin
    Even worse is the fact that not only are they all lumped into a big category filled with other things, you can't even search "eyes" and have them all come up. We have "Wyrd Sight" in the current crates for example. How am I ever going to remember I even have that in a sea of 300 other things? :D
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Just showing my support for this. I really want a blind right eye and a beard, but having both the eye and beard in facial hair makes it imossible, which makes me sad. :'(

    Male bosmers can't have horns+beard either which is also sad.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • FlipFlopFrog
    Just showing my support for this. I really want a blind right eye and a beard, but having both the eye and beard in facial hair makes it imossible, which makes me sad. :'(

    Male bosmers can't have horns+beard either which is also sad.

    Same for us Orcs! :s
    PC EU
  • StormBlade512
    Agree with this, not sure why they're under face markings in the first place. They always should have been in their own slot
  • evymyu233
    agree!and i think male characters can use female's adornments.femals can use beard.
  • fizzylu
    This would be neat. ESO actually has a pretty nice selection of customization.... the problem is that the way they are equipped is so limiting. I would love to use actual face markings/tattoos, but never do because they take away my nice smokey eyeshadow and I'm already sad that I can't wear the nice dark red lips with it. Having separate categories or just having the option to equip multiple would do wonders for character customization.
    Also slightly off topic; but they really need to make it so the vampire skin texture or whatever doesn't hide/fade the body and face markings. I don't know if it does it for all of them, but I know it does for a lot of the older options. Vampire is trash now anyway, but that's def another reason why I can never stick to being one. I honestly was expecting a whole appearance overhaul for them in Greymoor, but nopeeee. Still, would be cool to see little improvements like this.
    Edited by fizzylu on November 21, 2022 1:13PM
  • MagicalLija
    This is great and what I wanted as well, another thing I'd like though as a Khajiit main is a difference between markings and fur markings, for example, I'd love to have the glowing psijic markings for body, but then it takes my stripes away so it just looks weird.
  • dsalter
    so glad to see so many folks posting on this, it goes to show what the people want and the people have spoken! :)
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Kallykat
    I agree that we need more categories for customizing faces. I too have been disappointed to see my markings disappear when adding eyes or lips. I also hate losing my Khajiit's spots when adding a tattoo.

    I'd like to add to this thread the idea of having a separate ear slot. Feeding a couple stray cats in my neighborhood, I noticed their tipped left ears (indicating they've been altered) and wondered why we have no battle-scarred ears in ESO. Especially for elves, I could see their ears getting clipped or notched in combat. An ear slot would also allow for finned Maormer ears. (Plus I wouldn't mind being able to give pointed ears to human races when I play them as non-playable races like Sinistral Mer.)
  • fizzylu
    Kallykat wrote: »
    I'd like to add to this thread the idea of having a separate ear slot. Feeding a couple stray cats in my neighborhood, I noticed their tipped left ears (indicating they've been altered) and wondered why we have no battle-scarred ears in ESO. Especially for elves, I could see their ears getting clipped or notched in combat. An ear slot would also allow for finned Maormer ears. (Plus I wouldn't mind being able to give pointed ears to human races when I play them as non-playable races like Sinistral Mer.)

    Yess, one my favorite things WoW did when they expanded upon their character creation options sometime ago was give elves some different ear options. Night elves got some rugged, battle worn looking ones like you described. I immediately changed my druid's appearance to use them haha
  • CountonMe
    You can't have both at the same time CuZ performance IsSueS
  • iPlayOnlyESO
    We need eye shadows and eye colors got separated from markings and facial hairs. Imho, the best is separate everything into very specific categories :smiley:
  • notyuu
    or just list the eye stuff under facial hair without removing their listing from head markings, ya know, to allow vareity
  • meekmiko
    notyuu wrote: »
    or just list the eye stuff under facial hair without removing their listing from head markings, ya know, to allow vareity

    Bosmer Horns and Argonian Horns both fall under Facial Hair. They would also need to be separated first to be fair for those of us who play them....
    🌟PC/NA CP2050+ [Been playing since 2016]
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  • BahometZ
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Thee_Cheshire_Cat
    Showing support. i agree. Got some glowing eyes but lost a facial tattoo... pretty sad. Time for some reordering of categories for sure.
    Lady Kat, from the Cheshire Cats.Interested in HEAVY RP? IC at -all- times?
  • iPlayOnlyESO
    Showing support.
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