Running a Stamina Imperial Templar and for fun I decided to try running Knights Errant Mail and Deadland Demolisher, with a necklace of bashing and ring of Knight Errants to give me two 5pc sets. I saved a jewelry slot for Oakensoul. Nerfed or not, it helps.
Veteran Banished Cells solo.
High Kinlord Rilis wore me down and killed me. That took 30 minutes I gave up.
I took a Companion - Isobel and she is new and died fast. (should have took Bastion completely leveled up with a healing staff)
And when I died High Kinlord Rilis called me some expletives and made fun of my mother. Ok, that is how it felt.
Running 2H, Twice Born Star and Pariah, I was able to beat the crap out of High Kinlord Rilis. And mock his parents.
The issue I had with my current 1H&S setup was not being able to do enough damage, and those healing orbs made up for it.
The blasts that knocked me down I could not prevent with block.
Health was not too much of an issue - Knights Errant and Radiant Ward are dandy! Was also running Sugar Skulls.
Sustain was not too bad at first. I tried to use heavy attacks and potions to recover stam...but after a while, it was failing badly.
So, with what I have shared...how to make this design work...
Go with a Magplar?
Go back to 2H and that setup?
Learn to play like a real player?
Therapy to accept my parents?
Looking for suggestions from the stubborn! (Not Stibbons)
Thanks for your kindness,