This is no joke. This is no sarcasm. This is a real question. I wonder exactly WHY the netch skill of the warden is allowed to exist.
It gives back ressources. It buff. It purges. It doesn't cost anything. This. Is. Absurd.
A purge skill is in PVP one of the most useful skill for PVP, and all of the other purge skill that i know of have a huge cost. the purge skill of the PVP skill line is one of the most ressource-eating skill.
WHY does the warden have a skill without ANY cost that is so overpowered ?
it's not really the warden's netch that you're mad about, is it?
I almost never see them being used anymore since oakensoul release...
No cost - Gives back 4992 magicka / Major buff / cleanse
Cost 790 stam - heal when LA / gives back 4270 stam
How is that balanced ? Truly.
I don't ask for a full rework of the skill that will rend it useless it, but let's just talk about it honestly.
This is no joke. This is no sarcasm. This is a real question. I wonder exactly WHY the netch skill of the warden is allowed to exist.
It gives back ressources. It buff. It purges. It doesn't cost anything. This. Is. Absurd.
A purge skill is in PVP one of the most useful skill for PVP, and all of the other purge skill that i know of have a huge cost. the purge skill of the PVP skill line is one of the most ressource-eating skill.
WHY does the warden have a skill without ANY cost that is so overpowered ?
I can't be the only person who sees an enemy warden in Cyrodiil and thinks to themselves, "Well the worst that can happen here is they survive."
They were fine. Right where they needed to be. The class also isn't overpowered. One patch later zos makes some random changes that literally no one asked for. A weaker fissure. A weird passive change that arguably helps a little in pvp. And a stun.
I'm getting mixed signals from your post. You say they were fine... You say they are fine... And at the same time you say when you see wardens in cyrodiil you automatically assume they aren't a threat. Which is it?
Also, you don't seem to be aware of the buffs they received. It isn't just that they got a stun its a pretty good defensive mechanic to have a burst heal tied to a stun. An aoe stun at that. Really helps to land the 2nd hit of beetles. Also, falcons swiftness now grants 4 seconds of snare removal its basically a better version of race against time, which is saying a lot. I feel like I'm missing something, but regardless those are two pretty big changes that help their defense.
Offensively I agree that they kinda lack. I'm sure if you made one specifically to 1v1 they'd be pretty good but in cyrodiil I think you'd be giving up too much defense and would lose your ability to X. So you are left with a fairly predictable burst combo that you must repeat and doesn't really kill good players. But you can X potatoes for days and your aoe armor debuffs are indespensible for your team in any small scale bsttleground-esque type fight.
The only things I lose to are dks and nbs, and always players my skill level or better.
In summary I think its pretty irrefutable that wardens a) were buffed and b) are very strong.