Highhallow Hold has some visual/architectural errors.
There are two large blocks indoors that protrude in from the outer walls (in the room with the fireplace and the room under the tower) making those rooms almost unusable!
The tower room block appears to be there to make room for the tile roof of a bay window visible from the outside — BUT the bay window alcove is not there once you get into the building. The block in the fireplace room is there because the outside of the house on the level below it dents in... for no reason at all! I believe these to be actual mistakes/oversights, as your feet and furnishings also sink into/clip through the floor near the blocks.
The most logical thing to do would be to move the bay window down slightly to align with the floor below, make it accessible from the inside, and remove the now-unnecessary block on the floor above by pushing the wall block out (since the indent would no longer need to be there;) then give the identical block and wall on the opposite side of the house the same treatment.
But at the very least, just get rid of the blocks! If we don’t have access to the pretty bay window alcoves visible from the outside, we shouldn’t have to deal with the ugly “roof-ingress” blocks on the inside.
Please remove these blocks!
Thank you.
Attached are screenshots of the offending blocks and their corresponding outside views.