DM queue was probably the one time since they separated the queue's that I didn't have to wait a minimum of ten minutes. So again, yeah, not as many people are playing BG's right now. And I do agree that they should just put BG's as one queue again.... problem is, even if we didn't think there was a "rampant premade problem", Zenimax did.... but maybe now with clearly less players in queue, they will be forced to revert the change hahaA lot of players also quit because zos took away DM queue and pvpers don't want to just chase obj players around the map while they run away and try to avoid fights
I worry about combining the queus. I remember queuing solo against premades and it wasn't fun. That being said they could just institute an actually useful MMR system so eventually the premades were lifted out of my bracket and then I wouldn't have a problem at all.
Thing is, so many people feel so strongly about all the variances that've been tried, I almost think there's no point tinkering with it anymore. No offense to you and your plight, but how is it useful to just take turns being unhappy?
The way things are now most bgs are obj. Do elite premade teams that just want to DM incessantly need to be thrust into casual capture the relic games? A rude assumption on my part, but borne of the feeling I'm always left with after threads like this exist for long enough.
And of course they could/should separate the DM and obj queues. But that'll make your queu longer still.
Honestly the only thing they can do at this point is try to attract more people. Which won't help you immediately but will then make possible an actually helpful and needed change. So... Fix the medal system, fix the MMR system, buff the rewards... I dunno, make some daily endeavors be BG specific.
I can't imagine waiting 40 minutes. I can tell you right now I wouldn't do it. On Xbox na, solo, I get a game in less than 10 minutes. I never play the same character for more than a month in a row... So, even though I generally do well, I'm sure I'm not in the highest MMR. If you are then that may also be a big part of your problem.
thesarahandcompany wrote: »
Most other MMOs don't have a solo or group queue function unless it's for ranked PvP content. So I don't get why it's separate if people are just doing their dailies etc.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »ZOS, if you want BGs to have a larger playerbase, you need to fix the modes (i.e., encourage actual combat in the objective modes), add new maps (or at least a special event game mode or other fresh new content), and provide better rewards.
The last one is really what's gonna drive up the playerbase. Right now, there's not much of a reason to do BGs. How about increasing the transmute gain? Offer up crafting mats in BG rewards coffers (tales of tribute does this!). The increase in battlegrounds memorabilia drop rates was a good step, but it was far from enough.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »Wow, the amount of people in here just saying "LOL just queue solo or find 2 more friends" is disheartening. First of all, maybe we want to queue with friends because otherwise youre rolling the dice on getting teammates that have no intention of sticking around in a team fight.
Just trying to offer some helpful advice. I don't work for ZOS. I can't literally make OPs experience better. But I'd prefer to do more than just whine about things I wish.
As for the rest of your post... Yes, I agree, and have basically already said that too.
Duo queue will always be a problem if there are no other duo groups in the queue to pair you with or against. Get a 4 man group or play solo.
Solo queue is good. Teams of solo players should never have to fight against coordinated 4 man groups. It's a disaster in matchmaking and made the queue a complete joke when it was a thing.
Just make every match a deathmatch.
Zos should make a poll in their own forums, to ask those that plays bg, if they only want a deathmatch mode bg.
Just to settle this [snip] arguement.
I vote deathmatch only forever.