Posting for awareness. This achievement will not complete, have tried dozens of times, and completed the dungeon in every kind of iteration, and the quest itself on countless characters, even ones that have since been deleted. Both ingredients have been collected, the dialogue option to cure Jorvuld has been selected. He has been cured many times. But the achievement has never triggered. See video for a full clip of the interaction showing no achievement triggered.
Out of interest this dungeon was first completed by me back in 2018.
That's how long I have been unable to complete the achievement. I have submitted tickets over the years and the response has ever been, we can't award achievements, do it again.
I had the same issue with Savior of Elsewyr achievement, and had to do that whole questline again. It worked there, it has not worked here many times over.
Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)