@Dobbie... for me, not too hard. I can run a toon through the daily writs (all 7) for crafting and get 2-3 k gold per day doing just that... even with low levels in crafting. I also stash cash in the bank from each toon as I go and keep the minimum needed as a just in case. Just tried to invite you, but you are already in five guilds, so you'll need to leave one to join us. Let me know when / if you do and I'll send the invite again.
@Gilgameshi... I already invited you via the Discord Channel, so... Welcome and Happy Trading!!
Sorry @Wulfespirit , you're already in five guilds so you will need to leave one of them to join us. Please let me know when / if you do and I'll resend the invite.
Invite sent to coded_nz. Sorry for the delay. Didn't see your post until now.
tyrion020 … tried to send an invite but you are already in 5 guilds. Let us know if you leave one and I'll resend the invite.