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New player's perspective on PvP Arena and Dungeons.

I played Guild Wars 2 a lot. Since the plot and quests never caught me there I decided to try TESO.
I bought Standard Edition, bought some stuff in Crown Store for more visiually enjoyable start, read lore and decided to move gradually with a plot, buying Chapters and DLCs later (prefer buying instead of paying monthly).
But time to time you want to diversify quests with PvP (arenas only, not global map) and Dungeons. And that's where bitter aspects come.

1. Dungeons are not enjoyable. At least the ones not from DLC. You just run with lightspeed from A to B slashing everything on your way. Blunt and trivial grind. And yes, dungeons can be fun even if you play them over and over again, hundred times+. Reference to GW2 and Warcraft.
What these dungeons don't have:
a) Tricky shortcuts - either you suffer through masses of enemies or you need to use abilities and jumps to overcome something and to help your teammates.
b) Interaction with other players to advance further - even if it takes more time, even if first time player mess things up you still can enjoy that dungeon teaching him/her and then you move forward. Not just grind and speedrun, but interaction with players and objects. For example, in GW2 there is a dungeon where you need to open the door by bringing the flame from previous let's say room. Trick is flame damages health a lot and if flame drops on the ground you need to start all over again. So one player can't do it. Therefore every players must calculate where each of them must stand to cover whole distance. When you caught a flame from other player you should run a bit to get closer to another player until your health is critically low then throw a flame to another player. If you threw it wrong, if this player was standing wrong --> flame drops down --> all over again. Even experienced players could mess up. And almost every dungeon in that game has own tricks. That's how it can be replayable and never boring. Not just a speedrun.
c) Better finder system - when you are lvl30 you can have a high lvl teammate with "one shot" abilities and you just run behind him, having 2-3 slashes in 1 minute.
That's what I saw in non DLC dungeons. Question is do I need to pay additional price to get good Dungeons and therefore forget about free to play Dungeons?
2. PvP Arena is not enjoyable.
Character's movement in TESO is faster than in any other mmorpg. It's alright. But when even half of 12 players (4v4v4) come together - it becomes an uncivilized massacre (good for very young players since their psychology dictates to see quick and bright picture). Since it's non target, you can't aim the chosen enemy properly all the time. You can't embody your skills the way you want. Add to this character's high speed and you get a picture full of flashes with high speed rotations.
Why doesn't Arena have 2v2, 5v5? As a result - better matchmaking, more teams to launch into battle.

Dungeons and PvP arena are places I don't want to visit. Even after many tries. So all is left for me is to do quests and join a guild and go PvP on global map. Which significantly reduce this game's options. As a conclusion my desire to stay in this game is slumping. Even spent money in Crown Store can't drag me back.
Is everyone really ok with these Dungeons and PvP arena?
Edited by xxxJUSTICExxx on September 9, 2022 5:59AM
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