Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Group Members Invisible

It seems that at times, fellow group members are invisible. When playing in instance style dungeons, even when quest objectives are shared - members of the group are not visible. There actions are not reflected in the environment, and the quest cannot be played together.

Are some quests just not visible? Or is it an issue that can be resolved by adjusting a setting?

Any advice is appreciated.

  • finchch_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am having the same issue. Is this a feature or a bug? It seems ludicrous to form a group with someone and then not be able to interact with them on the quest in the game.
  • Hunterrules
    Same here. Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.
  • GorbGuy
    Soul Shriven
    Reported this same bug months ago. Having the same problem today. Nice to see this "feature" made it through beta. :neutral_face:
  • Theoriginalubiety
    I noticed the same thing. Seems like when your in a group, you must be on the same quest. If someone in your group has done the quest already or you have completed it, it looks like your in a different instance. I think this only pertains to main story quest line. I hope they address this issue. It makes grouping way less fun and almost useless.
  • GorbGuy
    Soul Shriven
    I noticed the same thing. Seems like when your in a group, you must be on the same quest. If someone in your group has done the quest already or you have completed it, it looks like your in a different instance. I think this only pertains to main story quest line. I hope they address this issue. It makes grouping way less fun and almost useless.
    Wish it were this easy. My fiance and I were on the same quest last night when it happened. Seems to happen when changing regions together or transporting through the Wayshrines. Basically, anything that will make the screen reload. Seems to be completely random, and the only way we've been able to "fix" it, is to completely close the application, and come back into the game.
  • pgiambal
    Guys, these means your friends are in a different instance than you are.

    Open the friends or party list, and right click their name, and say "teleport to player" It will take about a minute and show you a loading screen.

    Then, you should be next to each other.
  • GorbGuy
    Soul Shriven
    pgiambal wrote: »
    Guys, these means your friends are in a different instance than you are.

    Open the friends or party list, and right click their name, and say "teleport to player" It will take about a minute and show you a loading screen.

    Then, you should be next to each other.
    Have tried that countless times. Doesn't work and more often than not, doing that causes other issues (such as NPC's and PC's disappearing, horses sliding around like the Trojan Horse on Monty Python, and various other oddities. We've tried the /reloadui as well, which sometimes fixes it, but not often. This was happening through out the various ESO beta's we've played through, and I know it isn't just us. I've seen in-game chats discussing the same problem. Very odd, because the arrow above their heads will show. Just not the toon.
  • pgiambal
    I had it happen once last night and did the teleport to my friend, and he reappeared. Sorry, wish I could be of more help!
  • lady.foxgloveb14_ESO
    This is incredibly frustrating. I assumed they would fix this before go-live to where if your party leader was on a different world instance than you, you would be temporarily teleported to that world. That way you could actually play with friends who are not on the same schedule as you. This does not appear to be the case. I am regretting my purchase greatly, and do not understand how an MMO company does not understand that many people play MMOs so they can play with friends.
  • Transorb
    From what I can tell, this only occurs in instances where the mission is a SINGLE player mission. The missions that are single player missions do not appear to be clearly labeled, however I have confirmed with other players - that the quests that these issues I experienced while playing, were quests that can only be completed with one player.

    I believe it is the nature of the beast. Those particular quests I believe are intended to be completed by yourself - just are lacking this description in the journal.
  • lesso
    The other case this occurs other than single player missions eg. mages guild is if the party member has completed the mission however selected a different path than yourself eg. peaceful decision vs your choice to kill the offending party.

    If teleport to player doesn't work then it likely falls into the above two categories
    This is ridiculous. Just tried for over 15 minutes to synch up with my group-mate so we could defeat a boss in a quest chain. We were grouped and could se each other fine, but as soon as we entered Dourstone Keep we could no longer see each other. There is no indication this should be a solo quest, and the boss Doshia hard to defeat alone. I have seen other people complain about it as we were trying to figure out the grouping. I want to love this game, but it is soooo very frustrating at times. If group members are at the same stage of a quest they should be sent into the same instance if the next step is instanced, or it should state very clearly in the journal that the quest must be completed solo.
  • Terekon
    Yeah Ive had the problem several times. Its not anything to do with quests. I actually was partying with my wife, she used a wayshrine to come to where i was and we were invisible. tried everything i could think, and nothing.

    Then tried 'travel to player' and we could see each other, but then we would be walking and there were locations we would walk into that would cause us to go in and out of visibility, right in front of us. We could watch each other disappearing and reappearing.

    We avoided the areas that was making us disappear and we were able to continue without issue so far.
  • SirenFel
    Was having this same problem last night. Friend was playing through quests that I have already done and ONLY showed back up when he got to the same area that I made it to and did not have any quests. Once he picked a quests in this area that I had already done.. POOF! he was gone again.
    This is BS! This is NOT how an MMO is supposed to work. This makes it a single player MMO.
    With that said my wife and his son and daughter were going to get the game so that we could all roll together but at this point I don't see any reason to do that. If it does not change before my free 30 days is up I will be canceling the subscription.
  • Arthur_Spoonfondle
    I have had this happen once with my partner. She closed and re-opened the game, problem solved.
  • StateBMartin
    Soul Shriven
    Was playing with a friend and we both had 0 quests and then we went invisible. Tried traveling to each other, /reloadui, relogging, etc and nothing has worked. This has happened multiple times.
    "I am the lucid dream... The monster in your nightmares... The fiend of a thousand faces... Cower before my true form, bow down before the God of Death!" - Yogg-Saron

  • hellgirl
    Soul Shriven
    Still a thing, 2018 btw haHAA
  • sdtlc
    Digging up the invisible won't help, please stop.

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  • Mr_Gallows
    Still an issue years after release... come on.
  • Holy Warpath
    Holy Warpath
    I was hoping to trade with someone who had Vicious Ophidian Legs in Divines, however they were invisible in Craglorn and they joined a different trial group. So I was unable to interact with the player, ultimately losing the opportunity.
    Edited by Holy Warpath on June 24, 2021 6:13AM
    I only play on the Xbox One, because it is cheaper then PC.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this discussion is nearly 6 years old and has outdated information, we've decided to close out the thread from further posts. You can start a new thread in the support forum if you still need assistance.
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