I think it was designed with the idea that since it's permanent, rather than a proc, you wouldn't mind it fading out since you don't need it as a reference for whether it's active but just as a passive occasional reminder of its range.The biggest problem with this design change (imo) is that there are so many competing circular ground effects it is likely to get lost.
I already have a miserable time telling whether Encratis is up on the twins in DSR because of the dome. If the new Sanctuary is competing with another circular effect like Encratis, Domihaus, a siege projectile shield, or a dome, it will get lost very easily. It’s far too thin and faint.
It seems to have been designed on the assumption that it will only be used in isolation.
PeacefulAnarchy wrote: »I think it was designed with the idea that since it's permanent, rather than a proc, you wouldn't mind it fading out since you don't need it as a reference for whether it's active but just as a passive occasional reminder of its range.The biggest problem with this design change (imo) is that there are so many competing circular ground effects it is likely to get lost.
I already have a miserable time telling whether Encratis is up on the twins in DSR because of the dome. If the new Sanctuary is competing with another circular effect like Encratis, Domihaus, a siege projectile shield, or a dome, it will get lost very easily. It’s far too thin and faint.
It seems to have been designed on the assumption that it will only be used in isolation.