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Give me a reason to play in Update 35.

I don't do PvP, Trials, or Vet Dungeons. Every time I think about logging in I'm reminded that I'm going to be doing less damage while all of the enemies I'll be facing have the same amount of health and resistances as before so the time to kill will be longer and the content will be more of a slog for no particular reason. I don't feel like rolling a new toon or redoing all of my characters' skill/equipment setups when things are likely to change drastically again in 3 months. So should I just grin and bear it or wait and hope that these arbitrary nerfs are rolled back?
Edited by ZOS_Volpe on September 1, 2022 1:06PM
  • Zama666
    I still like it....I will probably adjust the way I play. Likely learn something new!

    The game is still fun for me.

    For me, doing more damage just gets boring, I like having to play differently.
    The game is fun, so a 'longer slog' is not punitive.

    Changing up my character is sometimes fun.

    And like your last comment - ESO will likely change a few patches...
    Till then - maybe time to find another game?

    Just my thoughts...
  • OBJnoob
    If you don't do PvP trials or vet content you probably just shouldn't worry about it. Your gaming experience won't change noticeably... You listen to the people on the forums too much.

    The people complaining were doing 130k DPS. You're doing like 30k probably. Not trying to be offensive I mean tell me if I'm wrong. But so if they lose 20% DPS then that's like, what, 25k? You're only gonna lose like 6. Your normal dungeon boss fights, which probably only lasted 2 minutes anyway, will now last like 2.5.
  • Hapexamendios
    Convincing you to play isn't something anyone else should have to do. If you're not convinced to play, don't. It's just that simple.
  • SeaGtGruff
    If you need someone else to give you a reason to play ESO-- or any other specific game-- then IMHO maybe you should not be playing it, because you should be playing it for your own reasons. I have my reasons, and other players have their reasons, and I'm sure some of our reasons coincide. But if you can't find a reason of your own to play, then why would you care what anyone else's reasons might be?

    Play, don't play. Subscribe, don't subscribe. Uninstall, don't uninstall. Make up your own mind, don't make up your own mind. /Oogway

    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • markulrich1966
    created a second account less than a year ago. Mainly daily delves&World Bosses. Xbox, so U35 has not hit yet.

    Have no problem, although I still am below cp700 (2 servers, 30 characters). Most toons are even not yet level50. No Oakensoul or other mythic damage-boosters. Not even a good rotation, I rarely weave light-attacks.

    When I occasionally login to my main account (CP1800), I still am baffled how much more punch I have there.

    So even with a low-CP setup you can do all stuff well (as you don't do trials or vet).

    I mean, I soloed DLC worldbosses (Elsweyr, Summerset) with cp200 and less, so even if you lose damage from U35, but have cp600 or more, you still should be able to solo such content comfortably. If you really struggle, simply grind some CP.
    Edited by markulrich1966 on August 31, 2022 11:32PM
  • Jaraal
    Why play in U35? Not as crowded, less distracting zone chat, lower to no queues for Gray Host, you can make tons of gold selling the new broken PvP sets, many arena weapons trashed so no need to farm the much tougher solo dungeons, you can avoid getting kicked in four man dungeons by explaining that ZOS ruined your build and it’s not your fault you’re doing 10k DPS, your sub hasn’t run out yet and you got rejected for a refund, your partner needs someone to chat with while they decorate their house, the new guar reskin is cute, you can have a giggle every time you dig with your new vampiric shovel of light, and of course, nothing better to do while kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown…. waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

    Edited by Jaraal on August 31, 2022 11:52PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Why play in U35? Not as crowded, less distracting zone chat, lower to no queues for Gray Host, you can make tons of gold selling the new broken PvP sets, many arena weapons trashed so no need to farm the much tougher solo dungeons, you can avoid getting kicked in four man dungeons by explaining that ZOS ruined your build and it’s not your fault you’re doing 10k DPS, your sub hasn’t run out yet and you got rejected for a refund, your partner needs someone to chat with while they decorate their house, the new guar reskin is cute, you can have a giggle every time you dig with your new vampiric shovel of light, and of course, nothing better to do while kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown…. waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

    Pretty much sums it up
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • EldritchSun
    Ask yourself. Do you want to rework all your builds just get that Isobel achievement, run those two new dungeons on normal with the secret bosses for quests and achievements, and then return to daily crafting and abandon the game again because it's boring and you've done each zone already? I asked myself and then stopped my download somewhere at 15%.
  • BlackKnight556

    OBJnoob wrote: »
    The people complaining were doing 130k DPS.

    Not true. Not everyone who was/has been complaining were even close to that level of DPS. the 130k number that has been banded about applied to only the top 1% (at most) of endgame players and even 1% is being generous. And I've seen people from nearly every play style complain about the nerf to damage and enemies feeling spongier. Content taking 50% longer (or more) to complete for utterly arbitrary reasons isn't fun.

    I guess if I was a diehard Roleplayer, or spent all of my time decorating houses or traded for the sake of trading I wouldn't be so put off but I do actually like to kill enemies in this game and having my DPS significantly nerfed because the top 1% of players were over-performing in endgame content is just so immensely frustrating.

    I've answered my own question, there is zero reason for me to play this patch. @ZOS_Icy or another forum MOD, feel free to close this thread as it has run its course.

  • SilverBride
    I haven't noticed any difference and I can still solo some world bosses and dungeons just as well as before.

    Give it a try before you decide. You may be pleasantly surprised.
  • Paralyse
    I have yet to meet a single player in-game complaining that overland content is too difficult now that the update is done.

    If you could solo things before, you can solo them after.
    If you could not solo things before, you probably still can't solo them yet.

    Also, if you don't do PvP, trials, or dungeons, you are not doing a fair amount of the game's content, so I would expect that would lead to boredom more quickly.

    The "nerf to damage" is more psychological than actual. This is partly because people forget that NPC health and damage were also nerfed. Once players realize that most content can be completed in about the same time, and at about the same difficulty level as before, things will settle down. (Unless you're doing vRG hm/vDSR hm or absolute top end score-pushing trials, two things which were definitely negatively affected by the changes. I am not anywhere near that level.)
    Paralyse, Sanguine's Tester - Enjoying ESO since beta. Trial clears: vSS HM, Crag HM's, vRG Oax HM, vMoL DD, vKA HM, vCR+1, vAS IR, vDSR, vSE
  • Thormar
    So should I just grin and bear it or wait and hope that these arbitrary nerfs are rolled back?
    Don't know you but am willing to bet your time is valuable.
    So I wouldn't recommend doing something you feel wouldn't be fun and "you'd need to bear".
    So my suggestion is coming back when U36 drops, if you like it resume where you left off. If not wait for U37 etcetera.
    What if I go north? Disappear.
    Would you come after me?
  • Jaraal
    I’m curious why so many people are assuming that things will change with Update 36. ZOS seems to like what they’ve done with U35, so why wouldn’t they continue nerfing damage and healing? I haven’t heard anything from them about reversing course…. just a lot of wishful thinking from players.
  • Ramber
    Nothing will change. We should fear change from the people that thought nerfing everyone would help anyone.
  • SPR_of_HA_community
    HA players get all this nerfs for last 3years. We was OK with balance that was 1-2-3-4-5-6 years ago. I have 50k+ with 4 buttons on healing staff 2-3years ago. Now I have 38k on same build. 42k on lightning staffs. Just as example, how much "love" we get. And damage droped each patch last 3 years.
    And now even !!! only PVE sets and skills !!!

    But the same time I can do the same 47k dps with 4 buttons on bow, that I can do 50k before.

    Each time you do good build to play it gets nerfs. No real reason to even do anything. Or farm all possible sets in game and just change it each update if you have tons of money and free time that you want to spend on nothing.

    If you are promised some thing in update, it do not look like - that you really get it.

    So wait is best option, to not spend time for nothing.
    Edited by SPR_of_HA_community on September 1, 2022 8:58AM
  • Faulgor
    Could I interest you in a game of cards, perchance?
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
  • opalcity
    Same with any game; if it stops being fun, stop playing it.

    Go play something else, keep an eye on the forum for upcoming developments and come back if or when you feel like it.
  • barney2525
    For crying out loud, Just Play the Game and see if you like it.

    Why are you asking other people to make a decision only You can make?

  • Dr_Con
    for one, the hp was adjusted on those monsters.

    two, people are still able to manage high, if not higher DPS.

    three, there will be an incremental patch on the 5th of this month to tweak some of the changes as they likely needed live testing for more data.

    Four, think of it as re-learning a more difficult game- I tried a vet ncr with a pug group the other day, many people never ran it, and while it was difficult we still pushed along and many players enjoyed it.

    Five, you have catastrophizers each patch who discourage players from touching the game, you could be missing out on meeting new people or having fun with others in different ways. I had players from one of my guilds say you'd have people complaining if they gave out a free mount with a patch. Negativity attracts attention, and while ZOS didn't nerf things on release like Mara's Balm despite feedback, it is making new players a lot of money by selling it in its current state.

    Six.You already said you don't do PVP, trials, or vet dungeons, and the people who do these things are the most affected. If you're running dolmens or geysers, world bosses, crafting, still questing through the game on different characters, roleplaying, etc I think you have little to worry about
    Edited by Dr_Con on September 1, 2022 12:12PM
  • ZOS_Volpe

    We're going to go ahead and close this thread as per the request of the OP.

    Thank you for your understanding.
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