Guild Name:
Elder Geeks
Daggerfall Covenant
Over 100 members
Main Philosophy:
I must strongly emphasize that talkGEEK will not have a main focus on any aspect in ESO, but rather, we will have a home for all types of players! Be you a casual, a hardcore raider, a hardcore PvP'er, a RP'er or whatever your game is, we will have a home for you, and will not shun you. You are the boss of what you want to do, though if you do wish to be part of some of the more focused hardcore teams, you should also deliver, and be a part of such.
As such, we will try making our community, a real community with a couple of shared passions, that being our guild and our game.
We will have "raiding" teams, and with that said, ESO will feature an Adventure Zone system, instead of the typical MMO Raiding system, which we will be a part of. Same goes for the smaller dungeons, however it is less needed to assign large scale effort and resources on this, unless we wish to farm gear/points for members of our raiding teams, in which case, we will be doing guild runs if needed, with members whom are part of the teams, or those whom wish to be part of it.
Crafting is also a major thing, and we will have a focus on several key members of the ESO community, and boost them up so they may provide for us all, as we get settled in. We will not require members to assist in doing this, but it is much appreciated and we will attempt to reward active members.
We will mainly try to have guild crafters focus on assisting the PvP and PvE teams, so they may better compete on a higher level, however all active members would be provided for if possible, or if they are helping our community.
As with PvE, we will have dedicated teams to this. They will take a strong part of the core PvP aspect of the game, which is Campaigns and AvA combat. As of current information, there will not be "battleground" or "arena" combat, if this should be in place, we will defiantly have teams in such areas.
We will be trying to feature special events for both the public and for our community.
We have a website, forums and voice communicate via Teamspeak3. The GEEKS enjoy all aspects of gaming. We have groups whom love to PvP, people whom love to do PvE content, both on a more hardcore level, and a casual level. We indeed invite anyone to join us! We are not a role-playing community although a few like to which is cool. To join the GEEKS you must be over 16 years of age, have a working microphone and be an active user on Teamspeak. Connection to Teamspeak3 with a working microphone is required before the in-game guild invite is sent. Stating you will be buying a microphone tomorrow will not give you access until you have the microphone!
We have a very relaxed atmosphere with plenty of banter. talkGEEK is an International English speaking gaming community. To find out more about us you can visit ALL ABOUT TALKGEEK Our philosophy is simple; playing games with friends and like-minded people is FUN and teamwork is key. Leave your drama at the door.
If you would like to join our community please feel free to leave an application on the site or if you want to just come meet us first before joining you can join our Teamspeak3 server (public lobby/no password)