Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Everyhting ELSE that went wrong this patch

So the now that the new patch had a bit of time to settle in I think it's entertaining to take a look what unexpected things turned up broken/worse than before. Because that the patch itself, along with its stated intentions, was going to be a hot mess was clear from PTS week 1. The intentions were flawed and the execution even more so and everyone but the devs saw these issues coming from a mile away. Well, it went live anyways so there is not much left to talk about and that is also not the point of this post. The point is to compile a list of things that went wrong unexpectedly.

Here is what I found so far:
  • The Comittee in HoF despawning when engaged is not fixed. This problem is also not exclusive to this boss and happens at the Hunter Killers and bosses in other dungeons/raids as well. Community wisdom states that the cause are Necro and Warden pets and as long as you don't prebuff with those it doesn't happen.
  • Something is very wrong with purge targeting, at least in a PVE environment. At the Hunter Killers purge keeps missing players and instead hits *clears throat* summoned pets, the environment and enemies. Yes, I couldn't believe the logs as well. The targeting issue is apparently not new and has been there for a long time, but somehow it has become a problem this patch. Significantly more purges and healing were needed to keep the group alive compared to last patch. So either the healing nerfs were way more sever than advertised or something with purge is not working as intended. Community wisdom states, that jumping while purging solves this issue and I am completly done whith this ***.
  • Somehow buffs don't correctly overwrite each other leading to some cases where casting the necros major resolve buff doesn't proc crimson oath, presumeably because the wardens frost cloak didn't get overwritten, thus not counting as applying a new buff to yourself.
  • The Maelstroms Destro Staff bonus is not applying, making the set seem much worse currently than it actually is.
  • The bubbles in the Taleria HM fight sometimes explode even if the affected player is swimming.
  • The new Archdruid set does not hit the dragons in sunspire, even though the cone indicates that it should clearly hit.

On a positive(?) note: Minor and Major cowardice which should be applicable on bosses, now affect bosses as intend. After not doing so for many patches, unbeknownst to me and probably the majority of the community.

So thats the stuff I experienced first hand or heard about from friends and guildmates. But I'm sure there is more, so please feel free to add anyhting you encountered.
  • Jaraal
    Strange new lag, rubberbanding, and crashes in Cyrodiil Gray Host since U35 went live. Also there are bugs where passives seem to stop working. Also, unusually high or low tooltips for skills that can't be readily explained.

    For example, yesterday my character with full medium armor passives, Hasty, Celerity, and both fast mount CPs was riding very slowly, like a new character would. I kept pressing sprint, and no changes. So I dismounted, and found myself sprinting slowly, as if I were wearing full heavy with no passives. I went to Cheesemongers to see if I could clear it, and the second I zoned in, everything was back to normal.

    Now, this is something new, and not the dreaded "slow bug" that has infested Cyro for years. But several of us experienced that as well yesterday.... where you move slowly but lurch forward in spurts. We were also stuck in combat and unable to mount even when halfway across the map from the fight. Also a weird Streak bug where you would Streak twice, and move back one Streak. Some speculated that it was the excessive calculations from the new sets (Mara's Balm, Nocturnal's Ploy) that were slowing the server down, but we can't be sure.

    Edited by Jaraal on August 27, 2022 3:38PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Ragnarok0130
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Strange new lag, rubberbanding, and crashes in Cyrodiil Gray Host since U35 went live. Also there are bugs where passives seem to stop working. Also, unusually high or low tooltips for skills that can't be readily explained.

    For example, yesterday my character with full medium armor passives, Hasty, Celerity, and both fast mount CPs was riding very slowly, like a new character would. I kept pressing sprint, and no changes. So I dismounted, and found myself sprinting slowly, as if I were wearing full heavy with no passives. I went to Cheesemongers to see if I could clear it, and the second I zoned in, everything was back to normal.

    Now, this is something new, and not the dreaded "slow bug" that has infested Cyro for years. But several of us experienced that as well yesterday.... where you move slowly but lurch forward in spurts. We were also stuck in combat and unable to mount even when halfway across the map from the fight. Also a weird Streak bug where you would Streak twice, and move back one Streak. Some speculated that it was the excessive calculations from the new sets (Mara's Balm, Nocturnal's Ploy) that were slowing the server down, but we can't be sure.

    The mount passives to include the permanent one from the assault skill line have been happening to me since U33. It's frustrating indeed when I'm moving much slower than intended. Sometimes changing specs in the armory fixes it for me sometimes not.
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