Ragnarok0130 wrote: »@Parasaurolophus that's because one can't nerf the top end without nerfing everything below it using the method ZoS did and that is why I personally don't think accessibility was ever a true goal of U35 after seeing the end result of the patch or they would have actually ensured the game was more accessible as a top priority.
Player: What's the purpose of U35?
Sheogorath as a dev: It is for accessibility!
Player: Sounds great!
Sheogorath as a dev: But the update actually makes everything LESS accessible! Isn't that a hoot Haskill? Cheese for everyone!
To reign in damage of the top end ZoS could have simply put a damage cap much like they did with the crit damage cap a while back, or adjusted set bonuses, and then adjusted the hardest content like Rockgrove and Dread Sail Reef to compensate. They could have ensured that more than two HOTs couldn't stack from radiating regeneration, but instead they went in with a sledgehammer again after saying they wouldn't do it again making an overall worse experience for the general player base and the top end.
GloatingSwine wrote: »It hit everyone because the vector for reducing high end damage was reducing the damage of each individual player.
But you can't do that without reducing the damgage of non-high-end players as well, because everyone is using the same tools, some players are just using them more effectively due to additional practice and supporting gear.
Especially when they decided to hit weapon attacks "because weaving", when the low end players are getting a lot more actual damage directly from their light attacks not from set effects that happen to trigger on them. (and didn't affect weaving because as long as it does any damage at all it represents a damage increase over not doing it so herp and also derp)
Parasaurolophus wrote: »Ragnarok0130 wrote: »@Parasaurolophus that's because one can't nerf the top end without nerfing everything below it using the method ZoS did and that is why I personally don't think accessibility was ever a true goal of U35 after seeing the end result of the patch or they would have actually ensured the game was more accessible as a top priority.
Player: What's the purpose of U35?
Sheogorath as a dev: It is for accessibility!
Player: Sounds great!
Sheogorath as a dev: But the update actually makes everything LESS accessible! Isn't that a hoot Haskill? Cheese for everyone!
To reign in damage of the top end ZoS could have simply put a damage cap much like they did with the crit damage cap a while back, or adjusted set bonuses, and then adjusted the hardest content like Rockgrove and Dread Sail Reef to compensate. They could have ensured that more than two HOTs couldn't stack from radiating regeneration, but instead they went in with a sledgehammer again after saying they wouldn't do it again making an overall worse experience for the general player base and the top end.
That's just the point, it looks very strange. Because like ZoS did everything right:
1) Lowskill players can't weave? Ok, let's reduce the effect of weaving on dps.
2) Lowskill players can't keep uptime dots and effects? Let's reduce the damage from pillboxes and increase the time.
It turns out that spam direct damage gets the greatest impact on dps. The simplest thing that could be. This was all just to increase damage for lowskill players.
Parasaurolophus wrote: »GloatingSwine wrote: »It hit everyone because the vector for reducing high end damage was reducing the damage of each individual player.
But you can't do that without reducing the damgage of non-high-end players as well, because everyone is using the same tools, some players are just using them more effectively due to additional practice and supporting gear.
Especially when they decided to hit weapon attacks "because weaving", when the low end players are getting a lot more actual damage directly from their light attacks not from set effects that happen to trigger on them. (and didn't affect weaving because as long as it does any damage at all it represents a damage increase over not doing it so herp and also derp)
But it has always been believed that most players cannot learn to weave, which means that light attacks are not important for them.
Parasaurolophus wrote: »This patch was supposed to make eso's combat system more accessible to the new player, but something went wrong. From all the reviews, I see that mid and low skill players complain the most. This is confirmed by the fact that many people write that their 60-65k dps on the atronach dropped a lot, which is far from a high-end value for a pro player.
In 4 days, I managed to complete quite a few dungeons, including new ones, both on hard mode and just vet. And I can say with complete certainty that nothing has changed. The numbers are smaller, but the time to kill the bosses is the same as before. Here it is worth saying that I collect parties only from among my friends. I also hear feedback from them that almost nothing has changed in the trials. However, recent trials such as vRG and vDSR on hard mode have significant healing issues. But I think it should be fixed. In general, a small loss of dps did not become a disaster and is almost not noticeable.
And quite the opposite I see here on the forum. It is very strange. Something went wrong? Maybe low skill players have low APM and therefore their damage relied more on dot`s? Or what?
Parasaurolophus wrote: »In 4 days, I managed to complete quite a few dungeons, including new ones, both on hard mode and just vet. And I can say with complete certainty that nothing has changed. The numbers are smaller, but the time to kill the bosses is the same as before. Here it is worth saying that I collect parties only from among my friends. I also hear feedback from them that almost nothing has changed in the trials.
Parasaurolophus wrote: »GloatingSwine wrote: »It hit everyone because the vector for reducing high end damage was reducing the damage of each individual player.
But you can't do that without reducing the damgage of non-high-end players as well, because everyone is using the same tools, some players are just using them more effectively due to additional practice and supporting gear.
Especially when they decided to hit weapon attacks "because weaving", when the low end players are getting a lot more actual damage directly from their light attacks not from set effects that happen to trigger on them. (and didn't affect weaving because as long as it does any damage at all it represents a damage increase over not doing it so herp and also derp)
But it has always been believed that most players cannot learn to weave, which means that light attacks are not important for them.
GloatingSwine wrote: »[quote="sbr32;c-7700295"
With some thought the could have done some interesting things to either reduce the availability of things like Powerful Assault, Major Force, Major Slayer Major Courage, Brittle to the top end groups or made them.more accessible to lower tier groups. Instead they hit everyone over the head with a shovel.
Because ZoS misunderstands, or chooses not to acknowledge, where the power creep is actually coming from.
It's the widespread availability of powerful group utility buffs that is causing most of the creep. These buffs largely come from overpowered support sets that are added to the game to help sell new DLC.
In return ZoS chooses to nerf the individual players. This hurts people that don't have those buffs as available and doesn't hurt those that still do as much.
With some thought the could have done some interesting things to either reduce the availability of things like Powerful Assault, Major Force, Major Slayer Major Courage, Brittle to the top end groups or made them.more accessible to lower tier groups. Instead they hit everyone over the head with a shovel.
They nerfed the players' button presses but did nothing to change the multiplicative set bonuses that were making top end damage "obscene".
GloatingSwine wrote: »TBH I think the powerful group buff sets are actually a good thing for an MMO.
Like when you look at a top end DPS player and at least 50% of what he's doing is from teamwork because they don't provide the enabling effects for it themselves, in an MMO game, that's an absolute win.
It produces synergy on the holy trinity that goes beyond "tank gets punched and healer makes sure bars are full".
But then I was never convinced that nerfing top group DPS was ever a good idea in the first place.