There have been quite a number of threads where we are discussing U35 and the conversation becomes less than edifying quickly as it is largely two very different matters being discussed. Directly speaking overland and normal content was never really a major concern for most people participating in the PTS and the subsequent discussions over the last week. Overland content is largely trivial, normal dungeon and trial content only marginally less so - and so the balance updates will be less acutely felt there and present in an entirely different way than it will in veteran content.
My family and friends are watching and waiting to understand how veteran content is shaking out before committing long term to a competitor.
So I would be thankful to hear experiences about U35 restricted only to veteran content, particularly DLC dungeons, trials, and arenas. And it might avoid some needless confusion and disagreement if it was focused into its own thread, without conflating it with overland and normal content.
Thanks in advance for any insights as far as experiences with veteran content in U35.
Esse quam videri.