currently no pc avaible to play eso

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
I pre ordered the game, but unfortunately my graphic card and motherboard broke down for some time already and the reparation cost are so high that it is more efficient to buy a new gaming laptop (i never messed with a laptop myself unlike with a tower, and don t want to mess it up more, but i travel a lot so...) but i don t have the budget to get it this month (april). So i was wondering if the month paid with the pre order is only for April or the month we actually start playing.
  • Inversus
    I think if you got it from the website it will be from april the 4th.
    VR14 EH Sorc
    VR1 AD NB Crafter
  • Brozgar
    Oh, man, sorry to hear that :( I'd suggest contacting customer support directly, perhaps you should ask for a refund, although then you'd loose the preorder bonus (play as any racy in any alliance), but I think you get this bonus if you buy Imperial edition even after the launch... Well, basically you lose around $12 by not playing this first month, so it's not much, but still not a nice situation...
  • stormsky
    thanks for the answers,
    Brozgar, yeah I was thinking the same but I can still hope for the best ;)
    otherwise I could have borrowed money from my father and pay him back when i can but his debtors didn t pay him yet, so better not^^
    I doubt I would get a refund as pre access already started (pre-ordered imperial digital version) and anyway i want to play an imperial so i want to keep those previledge even if I lose some money.
    I shouldn t have started smoking lol, I smoke more than 2000£ a year which is more than necessary for a brand new computer... such a waste of money (my biggest inspiration to stop smoking^^ ) simple put it is 2 packs of cigs that i won t buy ;)
    I tried playing the beta with a dell laptop so old that I could through cliffs as the texture appeared after, and I was dead before i could see the ennemy xD
  • RustyBlades
    The game time does not start until you activate your game code. If you have activated your game code already, then your 30 days will start from the launch date.
  • Viryn
    I bought the game off of They are going to send me a code on the 4th to activate. So, in this scenario, I could wait to use my gametime by not redeeming the code.

    If you bought it from the website here at ZeniMax Online, I think it automatically enters the code for you. My recommendation would be to contact support (they are amazing and really fast - I've already contacted them twice) and tell them your situation. I'm sure something can be done to help you out.
  • GholarDraki
    Your free 30 days of game time shouldn't begin unless you've already entered your product key onto your account. It will then activate on the 4th April and expire the following month.

    If you've not activated, that's great news. If you already have, I doubt TESO would freeze your game time. You could still ask but I'd not hold out any hopes.
  • therasia2_ESO
    If you purchased your game through ESO website you will not have to do anything to receive your free 30 days or any of your perks. If you purchased through a different company your time would begin with the entry of the code that they have given to you. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact Support, they will answer your questions, get you up and running quick, and make sure that you get your free 30 days before subscription begins.
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