Cutting Defense stealth nerf

As of the current patch - U35 - this slottable passive in the blue CP tree had it's damage reduced by more than a third (36%) of its original value in U34, which has not been indicated in any of the PTS patch notes, nor has there been a reason given as to why it was nerfed.

It would have been nice to know the thought processes behind this adjustment during the PTS cycle when player feedback could have been made reharding the topic, or if for nothing else, the change could have been put into the patch notes to offer players a chance to not have to dig through the coefficients tab rigorously every single time a patch hits to look for unannounced stealth changes that affect certain builds.

The only entry I found about this passive in the U35 patch notes is the following:

Cutting Defense: Fixed an issue where the damage from this node was not proccing enchantments or poisons as advertised.
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