I got high isle and i was really interested on isobel... meanwhile i made a necromancer because i always loved that halloween vibe, i love soul related powers. And decided to focus 100% at playing necro.
Anyways, so i decided to get ember on my necromancer, because i think she works better with him has a companion
At first glance i found her design so different and good, the hair, piercings, coloring, eyes, she just looked so good. I than click to talk with her and her voice... my god who's the voice actress? her voice is so good, i hope she did cartoons or series, because if angels talk i imagine some of them have ember's voice.
So we move forward and do her quest... It's fun and really good, but rather short,
It's really funny when ember does that swallowing noise i had to restart the quest just to hear it again. And her personality is just the best, she's so crazy and cute.
So at this point i have ember, i equip her , paint her armor black, give her a molag kena monster set weapons and start exploring.
I click on her to change her equipment and she asks, "am i in trouble"? It's soooo cuteee omg.
And than while killing monsters she just says the best things ever! that i'm amazing, that me and her are the best! and i'm sorry but i can't stop smiling at everything she says, it's that constant happiness of having her nearby. And the fact i feel valued.
Even while i'm mass murdering delve npcs with blade of woe, she just says "It get's the blood pumping" and i start laughing.
She helps me by saying that there are useful items nearby to pick up.

Mirri got annoying fast, bastian...I don't like him! treats me like a child. But ember? she legit says i'm intimidating, It's crazy! here i am doing things only gods could do on elder scrolls world and only ember so far acted like i was one.

And my sadness is that eventually i will have heard all her voicelines... I wish she was updated with more voicelines, more quests in the future... she's just a masterpiece.
That being said, can we please have the companion dance with us when we dance?
Also fun fact, when we do mementos, companion turn around to look at us! and ember even comments if it's a lightning based memento!

thank you, high isle is the best expansion ever! oh and also the one that gave us necromancers, necro's are the best.
Oh also, Can we get a blue fire staff skill line like the ones necromancer npcs use? I really wish i could shoot blue fire.
I am
@fluffypallascat pc eu if someone wants to play together
Shadow strike is the best cp passive ever!