Wanted to make a list of features id like to see happen in the housing editor or housing system in general. feel free to add others. This list is not for specific furnishings you see in game...only features or types of furnishings you'd like to see.
1. be able to shrink or increase the size of any furnishing while in the editor/precision editing.
2. have animations on current furnishings that act like their current counterparts i.e (drawers opening, containers opening, chests opening, etc.) -Notes: The animations don't need to have anything inside the container. leave that up to players to stick things in those containers but allow the furnishing animation to link with whatever they put inside.
3. More Bright lights in different colors...i.e.(azure plasm cage in different colors like red, gold, purple, etc)
4. increase the furnishing limit by doing the following....have separate limits for inside and outside furnishings for houses. For Example: (Grand Psijic Villa. 700 outside house and 700 inside) double the original amount if there is no interior.
5. More water fountains of varying types as well as pools of water.
6. more daedric themed packs in crowns store. For example: (Nocturnal themed pack with crow furnishings like crow swarms, evergloam looking portals, etc.)
7. More meshes or Grate furnishings.
that's all i can think of atm but feel free to add more to it and hopefully some of these will make it to light and if lucky...all of them

Stay safe Fellow decorators