Greetings! I am unable to find any mention of this on the forums but I have a warning for those looking to purchase trial dummies.
The "Deadlands Harvester, Trial" target dummy has a negligible, if not non-existent, flanking zone. You can stand behind it at different angles and
not receive the various flanking bonuses (e.g., from Backstabber).
I discovered this issue using the CombatMetrics addon and looking at the spell penetration on my magicka-Nightblade between the Harvester and the Iron Atronach, Trial dummies. As you might know, Nightblades have a passive called "Master Assassin", which increases their Spell and Physical Penetration against enemies that they are flanking by a maximum of
Here are some screenshots of my spell penetration from CombatMetrics as I stand behind the two different trial dummies and light attack.
Iron Atronach, Trial
Deadlands Harvester, Trial
As you can see, the different in penetration between these two dummies is
(19781 - 16807) = 2974 , which is exactly the flanking bonus from the Master Assassin passive.
Here is a picture of where I stood with respect to the dummy -
There does seem to be a flanking zone, because I have accidentally reached 19781 penetration as I rotated the dummy incrementally by various angles. But it is most likely less than +/- 3 degrees. Hope this can be fixed easily and is more consistent with the other trial dummies in the future. We did purchase it using crowns after all.
Platform: PC, Server: NA