As someone who spends way too much time at the outfit station attempting to perfect outfits I have one major grievance with it, and that's the inability to hide various armor pieces such as shoulders/chest/hands/feet/pants/belt in the same way that we are able to hide our helmets. While I understand people may abuse this to run around (almost) naked, those people will do so anyways. Don't punish us because others abuse that system. This will also not break immersion since we have some countless over the top (borderline ridiculous looking) mounts, skins, dyes, etc. doing that already - plus, if we are talking immersion, why would the helmet (the most crucial piece of armor) of a warrior be the only option to hide? The reasons to implement this feature vastly outweigh the drawbacks. Being required to wear something over every armor slot greatly restricts the ability to create unique outfits, so please give us the option to hide them if we so choose.