Something I noticed when it comes to PvE is hybridization seems to be more useful for stamina builds.
There are a lot more magicka based skills stamina based characters can take advantage of compared to stamina based skills that magicka characters can take advantage off. This makes it feel like there is no point of really being a magicka dps character since sustain for magicka based characters in PvE is really bad. I read in the next update that a lot of skills will have decreased cosrts but seems like this would just make stamina dps characters more over powered and as long as the penetration can be provided, full stam dps groups might be the new meta.
Of course the advantage for magicka dps characters is that they can use medium sets since there are way more useful PvE medium sets then light, but at the same time stamina based characters can use the same sets and not have to limit themselves to only jewelry and weapons. The only light armor set I can see useful for stamina dps is bahsei due to how easy it is to dump magicka for stamina based characters now. Besides bahsei it does not seem like there are any good magicka dps sets.
How do you think this can be fixed before magicka dps characters become extinct in PvE ? (Of course people will still use magicka classes)
Here are my thoughts and would like to here yours to.
-Rework some of the stamina morph of class abilities so they are more useful when it comes to PvE, since most stamina dps class morphs besides the spammables are not that useful compared to how many good magicka based class abilities there are. If its to hard to balance they can just find certain skills to change from costing magickat to stamina
-In the transmutation station allow the ability when reconstructing to change the armor type (light, medium, heavy) of sets. This will allow for way more diverse and unique builds.
Edited by nb_rich on August 12, 2022 12:45PM nb_rich