I know fishing is probably the last thing on everyone's minds, what with all the discussion about Update 35 and what's going to happen with the combat system. I thought maybe the forums could use a break on that front.
I'm just trying to add to the squeaky wheel because it seems an overhaul for fishing has been requested for a long time, with little to no signs of this request ever coming to fruition. I think it's a shame because there are so many things that could be done to make fishing a more enjoyable experience in ESO. Honestly, I could see a fishing skill line being the flagship feature for a future expansion like Tales of Tribute was to High Isle.
I've thought a lot about this subject since I've been working to earn the "Master Fisher" achievement, and while idly pressing "E" and watching Youtube Videos, a few things came to mind that I believe would make this experience much more fun and rewarding. Here is my list of possible improvements/additions that could be made, and let me know your thoughts and opinions because I'm curious about how else fishing could be improved.
1). Fishing Skill Line.
This is the most glaringly obvious request, and of course, I didn't come up with this suggestion first. I just fail to see why we don't have a dedicated skill line for fishing yet. There is "Reel Technique" and "Angler's Instincts" in the Thief Tree of the Champion Point system, but that doesn't make much sense to me since you only unlock Champion Points at level 50 and you need a LOT of Champion Points to even fill up those skills, whereas, for a skill line, you would just need a single skill point to unlock it, and skill points are easily obtainable by farming Skyshards.
Some possible fishing skills, aside from the aforementioned ones, could be:
- Making fishing spots easier to spot
- Make fishing spots last longer if you're fishing alone
- Make it more obvious when you get a bite (Seriously, I need an add-on for this)
- Increased likelihood of receiving two or more fish (to fillet) when you reel in successfully (get that fish roe bro)
- Make higher quality bait (Minnow, Fish Roe, Shad, Chub) to increase the chances of obtaining a rare (blue) fish.
Share your own ideas for new skills!
2). Make it FUN!
I think fishing is easily the most boring activity you can do in ESO. Standing in front of a fishing spot for two hours idly pressing 'E' is not a good time. I would rather waste 2 hours of my life wiping in a trial. That being said, I think making it more interractive is the way to go. Adding more animations or especially quick-time events when you cast or reel in a fish. Plus it would be so cool to actually SEE the fish you're reeling in. Make it like a mini-game or something!
3). More rewards.
Granted, if I'm going to go through the trouble of playing a mini-game to fish, I would expect more rewards for the extra effort. Yes, we do have wet gunny sacks/pyandonean bottles and the occasional kelp and fish furnishings (which either end up getting deleted or shoved in my bank until the end of time). We also have certain antiquity leads and recipes and motifs that will drop (though that's mostly contained to Artaeum which isn't even accessible if you don't have ESO+). I think there's definitely room for improvement here. These are my ideas for what could be added:
- Furnishing Plans (possibly more unique ocean/water-themed furnishings like corals or special water effects, or just regular furnishing plans in general)
- Collectible Pets (We already farm Public Dungeons for pet parts, why not make those parts drop from fishing too?)
- More exclusive motif pages/recipes and recipe fragments
- More unique fish furnishings (Maybe a fish furnishing for every rare blue fish you can catch).
- Treasure chest loot (10k+ in gold. there could be a skill that increases the likelihood of reeling in bigger loot)
4) Fish Collection System.
This is just more of a pipe dream than anything, but nothing is more satisfying to me than filling out my collections by gathering motif and style pages. I think the same idea could be applied to fishing, with the fish you catch having a "spot" to fill in your collections journal so you can properly flex about catching a particularly rare fish. Not only that but as previously mentioned, if not expanded on; there could be the reward of having the fish you catch as an animated furnishing. With aquarium furnishings being a thing, it would be so cool to fill one of them with the fish you personally caught.
5) Fish In Style!
I've seen this one suggested quite a lot, and I would be lying if I said I didn't want to look cool while fishing in the various zones of Tamriel. I absolutely think fishing rod motifs could make for a great addition, as long as fishing becomes an activity worthy of repeated play to make it worth it. As it stands now, once I get this fishing achievement I probably won't come back to it, unless I want a certain antiquity lead or want to complete the Pyandonean style.
And that's about all of the suggestions that have come to mind thus far. I'm certainly not claiming to be original with these concepts- I'm sure others have come up with the same or similar ideas and have voiced them, I just don't have the time to go rummaging through the forums to find them, so I thought I'd create my own discussion.
Let me know your thoughts and if you have any ideas of your own to add! While we probably can't do anything about the route that combat is taking, at least maybe... just maybe... ZOS could take our pleas for better fishing to heart, so I can accomplish my long-awaited goal of becoming a fishing main.