There, I said what we've all been thinking. We PvP'ers don't get the changes we want when we want them. We always have to wait until the next patch (or even longer) for adjustments. When we request something changed, the changes don't happen the way we want them to. They always get changed into something completely useless. We get "fixes" that nobody asked for (Scorch, Dark Cloak, Jabs). Skills that nobody ever complained about get "balanced" (again Scorch, Jabs, Crystal Frag). We get broken sets every single patch that ruin the PvP experience. I don't remember the last time I was excited for the patch notes, because there's always a nerf or broken set somewhere.
We have been demanding more attention to class spammables and magicka specs for years and this is what we get? Ranged class spammables are underperforming because they have a delay before they hit. This is why Whip, Surprise attack, and Jabs are the best spammables in the game; they are melee range and they deal instant damage.
We play this game every single day, so it would be in your best interest to pay attention to what we say is needed, and the things that are not needed. This isn't PvE, where we can go god-mode on NPCs. NPCs can't have their playing experience ruined by broken skills and sets. We human players have to suffer the consequences of developer oversights.
The reason you don't get any feedback from weak classes is because (surprise) nobody plays them. You don't get feedback from Wardens when you implement a bad skill change because nobody is getting on the PTS to test it. People are tired of classes getting butchered every single patch, so they just stop playing them and you don't get feedback on them for many patches.
"By popular request..." *scoffs. Somebody please tag the devs.
Edited by OnGodiDoDis on August 10, 2022 4:09AM