Some challenges that should be fixed for events:
-The Indirik Vendor refuses to speak to level 4 Vampires or players with high Bounty. The Impresario does not care about Vampires and criminals and speak to everyone, so should the Indirik Vendor
-The Conquest Mission board is the hardest battle in Cyrodil. Trying to get the quest I want is the hardest and most boring Battle in Cyrodil. The board can be stuck on one quest e.g Capture 3 Keeps for 5 minutes or more. Please cycle the quest everytime I abandon a Conquest Board quest (like the kill quest does).
-The biggest troll in Cyrodil is the Scroll quest giver. Allways giving the wrong scroll quest. If i want a specific enemy scroll quest after my alliance have captured a scroll, the quest giver is 100% guarantied to give the wrong quest, repeatatly. If my alliance have both scrolls, one should expect to get the scroll quest in around 1/4 of the time, but the quest giver is just trolling and giving the same wrong quest over and over again.
Please give us the choice to choose which quest we want. From the Conquest Mission Board we should be able to choose a specific quest, and when that is done, that quest is grayed out until quest reset. It shouldnt be to hard to implement, but would improve the PVP experience by alot