There is an add-on for the PC that automatically deletes purple and blue jewelry writs because it doesn't make sense to do them. The materials cost much much than the writ is worth. That right there is a strong indication of a system out of balance.
I haven't seen the add-on, but I understand its appeal!
What is odd is that the jewelry writs seem to drop from the crafting dailies much more often than the clothier, woodworking, and blacksmithing writs. My bank is overflowing with the purple and blue jewelcrafting writs, and I can't give them away. I will never have enough mats do do them, even if the writ vouchers earned made it worth while.
This definitely suggests something is out of whack.
if we could have a green slotable champion star that gives a chance to get a chromium grain when deconstructing a piece of ornate gear, it would be a grind saver.
Don't give them ideas for even more slotables in the green tree, there are way too many of them already.
I agree!
The Green Tree sucks because you have to pick 4 from all the choices - and most are quality of life-ish things, not ones that will help me win in combat.