ZO_Ingame.lua UI Error and Addon Settings get reset

3 times now over the last 2 weeks I have had an error causing most addons to have their saved variables reset.
Each time it happened the addons affected varied a little but it was still most of them.

ZO_Ingame.lua is also reset and is a much smaller size (now around 1800 lines) so I cannot see the offending code string.

I now raised an in game ticket for this.



Has something changed over the last few weeks in the game affecting saved variables ?

I have not added or removed any addons for many months before this started happening.

After the first of these errors I have fully uninstalled(+saved vars) and re installed my 2 biggest data addons, Arkadius Trade Tools and Awesome Guild Store but this did not prevent the next 2 errors.

Anyone else having anything similar?
Edited by Onigar on August 4, 2022 5:41AM
Addon Author:
Currency Manager: http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1998
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