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RESOLVED: Siege Engine Problem - can't place

Dear mods - I'm really sorry for the double post but the Alliance War forum is so quiet and I'd really like some help with this.

RESOLVED:- Turns out having Quick Cast Ground Abilities set to 'Automatic' prevents me from placing them completely. Changing to 'On' works. TFFT. Thanks so much to everyone who tried to help me.

I can't place siege engines in Cyrodiil. I have them in a quickslot, I click to get the highlighted circle and then try to click again with no result. I def have the right faction of weapon. I get the error messages for being too close to other engines and when I'm not on flat ground. I don't know if this is a factor but I have rebound my quickslot key to 'R'. So I press 'R', get the circle, then click 'R' again. I've removed all my addons and it didn't make a difference.

On flat ground no where near other engines.


The 'too close' error message. The flat ground one is the same.


It's so frustrating. I really want to join in. If anyone can help I'd be so grateful.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on August 2, 2022 2:08PM
  • BoraxFlux
    Can't really see the surroundings nor more details, so some general remarks:

    - Some siege engines require more distance & flat ground then others, catapults and trebuchets require more social distancing (& flat ground) then ballista's for example.
    - Check whether you really have an amount of sieges slotted and the amount is NOT nil.
    - Check whether the siege limit has been reached in area you are sieging, if your alliance has reached the cap (from the top of my head I think it is 30), you can't place any more sieges.
    - Sometimes it looks like there is enough flat ground, but the conditions for flat ground for the siege engine you are trying to place is not met. Walk around and try different spots away from other siege engines.
  • Magenpie
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    Can't really see the surroundings nor more details, so some general remarks:

    - Some siege engines require more distance & flat ground then others, catapults and trebuchets require more social distancing (& flat ground) then ballista's for example.
    - Check whether you really have an amount of sieges slotted and the amount is NOT nil.
    - Check whether the siege limit has been reached in area you are sieging, if your alliance has reached the cap (from the top of my head I think it is 30), you can't place any more sieges.
    - Sometimes it looks like there is enough flat ground, but the conditions for flat ground for the siege engine you are trying to place is not met. Walk around and try different spots away from other siege engines.

    I over cropped the pic. As you can see it's def flat ground, there are no other engines, I def had a ballistae in the quickslot, not nil (I've just tested and if there are no engines to place, no circle comes up on the floor and you get an error sound.) I'm on another character now, back at the home base and completely on my own, and I can't place one on with that character either.

    Edited by Magenpie on July 30, 2022 3:39PM
  • BoraxFlux
    This is what I do:
    My Quickslot shortcut is Q:
    I click Q, get the circle and press left mouse button to confirm placement. Does this help?

    EDIT: what helps even better: go to Settings-> Gameplay -> Quick cast ground abilities -> set to "on", never worry about confirming your ability.
    Edited by BoraxFlux on July 30, 2022 4:00PM
  • geonsocal
    hi @Magenpie ...

    most likely it is not you...this "glitch" occurs when game performance deteriorates...

    it's very frustrating when you're trying to place flaming oils in order to prevent the enemy from using a ram on your door...the seige just will not deploy, or it may take 5 or 6 try's to finally set the siege...

    i noticed it happening more the last few weeks...
    Edited by geonsocal on July 30, 2022 4:02PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Magenpie
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    This is what I do:
    My Quickslot shortcut is Q:
    I click Q, get the circle and press left mouse button to confirm placement. Does this help?

    EDIT: what helps even better: go to Settings-> Gameplay -> Quick cast ground abilities -> set to "on", never worry about confirming your ability.

    My quickslot is 'R' but yes, I follow the same routine, but no, not working. :_(

    Thank you so much for taking the time to try and help me.
  • BoraxFlux
    Magenpie wrote: »
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    This is what I do:
    My Quickslot shortcut is Q:
    I click Q, get the circle and press left mouse button to confirm placement. Does this help?

    EDIT: what helps even better: go to Settings-> Gameplay -> Quick cast ground abilities -> set to "on", never worry about confirming your ability.

    My quickslot is 'R' but yes, I follow the same routine, but no, not working. :_(

    Thank you so much for taking the time to try and help me.

    You said you use R and then R again to confirm
    I use my left mouse button to confirm. Just to understand it better: that doesn't work for you either?
  • Magenpie
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    Magenpie wrote: »
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    This is what I do:
    My Quickslot shortcut is Q:
    I click Q, get the circle and press left mouse button to confirm placement. Does this help?

    EDIT: what helps even better: go to Settings-> Gameplay -> Quick cast ground abilities -> set to "on", never worry about confirming your ability.

    My quickslot is 'R' but yes, I follow the same routine, but no, not working. :_(

    Thank you so much for taking the time to try and help me.

    You said you use R and then R again to confirm
    I use my left mouse button to confirm. Just to understand it better: that doesn't work for you either?

    Yes, exactly this, neither works. R then LMB doesn't work, and R then R doesn't work. I'm now Repairing the game out of frustration.

    Edit: Removing addons and repairing did not work.
    Edited by Magenpie on July 30, 2022 4:34PM
  • BoraxFlux
    Magenpie wrote: »

    Yes, exactly this, neither works. R then LMB doesn't work, and R then R doesn't work. I'm now Repairing the game out of frustration.

    Outside a non-default keybinding of the attack key, I don't have any other idea what could cause the problem, hope your repair will bring you resolution...would love to hear that...and otherwise hope there is someone who can help you out.

    Edited by BoraxFlux on July 30, 2022 5:02PM
  • Magenpie
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    Magenpie wrote: »

    Yes, exactly this, neither works. R then LMB doesn't work, and R then R doesn't work. I'm now Repairing the game out of frustration.

    Outside a non-default keybinding of the attack key, I don't have any other idea what could cause the problem, hope your repair will bring you resolution...would love to hear that...and otherwise hope there is someone who can help you out.

    Yeah I tried rebinding it back but didn't work. Really appreciate you trying to help, @BoraxFlux. Enjoy your AP gathering and player killage. :)
  • Wolfpaw
    geonsocal wrote: »
    hi @Magenpie ...

    most likely it is not you...this "glitch" occurs when game performance deteriorates...

    it's very frustrating when you're trying to place flaming oils in order to prevent the enemy from using a ram on your door...the seige just will not deploy, or it may take 5 or 6 try's to finally set the siege...

    i noticed it happening more the last few weeks...

    Yup this has been a PSN problem for a very long time.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Magenpie wrote: »
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    Can't really see the surroundings nor more details, so some general remarks:

    - Some siege engines require more distance & flat ground then others, catapults and trebuchets require more social distancing (& flat ground) then ballista's for example.
    - Check whether you really have an amount of sieges slotted and the amount is NOT nil.
    - Check whether the siege limit has been reached in area you are sieging, if your alliance has reached the cap (from the top of my head I think it is 30), you can't place any more sieges.
    - Sometimes it looks like there is enough flat ground, but the conditions for flat ground for the siege engine you are trying to place is not met. Walk around and try different spots away from other siege engines.

    I over cropped the pic. As you can see it's def flat ground, there are no other engines, I def had a ballistae in the quickslot, not nil (I've just tested and if there are no engines to place, no circle comes up on the floor and you get an error sound.) I'm on another character now, back at the home base and completely on my own, and I can't place one on with that character either.


    In that particular case, my guess would be that you were too close, that if you had backed away a bit or maybe just moved a little to the side then it would have been okay. The circle needs to be green, but even when it's green there are other factors considered, as @BoraxFlux mentioned.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Magenpie
    SeaGtGruff wrote: »
    Magenpie wrote: »
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    Can't really see the surroundings nor more details, so some general remarks:

    - Some siege engines require more distance & flat ground then others, catapults and trebuchets require more social distancing (& flat ground) then ballista's for example.
    - Check whether you really have an amount of sieges slotted and the amount is NOT nil.
    - Check whether the siege limit has been reached in area you are sieging, if your alliance has reached the cap (from the top of my head I think it is 30), you can't place any more sieges.
    - Sometimes it looks like there is enough flat ground, but the conditions for flat ground for the siege engine you are trying to place is not met. Walk around and try different spots away from other siege engines.

    I over cropped the pic. As you can see it's def flat ground, there are no other engines, I def had a ballistae in the quickslot, not nil (I've just tested and if there are no engines to place, no circle comes up on the floor and you get an error sound.) I'm on another character now, back at the home base and completely on my own, and I can't place one on with that character either.


    In that particular case, my guess would be that you were too close, that if you had backed away a bit or maybe just moved a little to the side then it would have been okay. The circle needs to be green, but even when it's green there are other factors considered, as @BoraxFlux mentioned.

    I can't place them even when I'm on my own, on flat ground. I never ever get a green circle, not even the glimmer of one as I run around.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Ah, okay. Since the picture I was commenting on does show a green circle, I didn't realize you were having trouble getting the circle to change from red to green, other than the example where you were trying to place it on the terrain. I run into that from time to time, but it's usually because the terrain isn't flat enough.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • Magenpie

    I managed to get it to work on my Sorc!! I have NO idea what's different with her!! Hooray hooray hooray!!
  • Magenpie
    I just don't understand what's wrong. These pics were taken within 5 mins of each other, both toons EB Pact, same Cyrodiil instance (Ashpit) using the same process in the same spot.

    My NB failing


    My Sorc actually in process of putting ballista up


    Ballista up ready to fire


    Sorc was able to place ballistae in lots of different spots there.
    Edited by Magenpie on July 31, 2022 2:27AM
  • Magenpie
    RESOLVED:- Turns out having Quick Cast Ground Abilities set to 'Automatic' prevents me from placing them completely. Changing to 'On' works. TFFT. Thanks so much to everyone who tried to help me.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Magenpie wrote: »
    RESOLVED:- Turns out having Quick Cast Ground Abilities set to 'Automatic' prevents me from placing them completely. Changing to 'On' works. TFFT. Thanks so much to everyone who tried to help me.

    I'm glad you figured it out, but what is Quick Cast Ground Abilities? Is that in the game's UI settings, or is it from an add-on?

    EDIT -- Nevermind, I see it in the base game's UI settings now. I guess I was confused because it was set differently on different characters. Mine is set to Automatic, by the way, so I guess I'll test to see if it's giving me trouble.
    Edited by SeaGtGruff on July 31, 2022 5:25AM
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • BoraxFlux
    Magenpie wrote: »
    RESOLVED:- Turns out having Quick Cast Ground Abilities set to 'Automatic' prevents me from placing them completely. Changing to 'On' works. TFFT. Thanks so much to everyone who tried to help me.

    Props for being persistent and kept testing, awesome news. Happy fireworks!
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • ZOS_Bill
    As the OP has now resolved their issue with placing the siege engine, we will go ahead and close this thread from further posts.
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