So I know the meta is changing and I understand that in PVP tanks seem to get a lot of hate. I had a few ideas to make them fun to play and kill. Conditionals. I'll make a short list.
1. 'Thorn Tank'
2. Reflective Tanks
3. Netter
So with every single one of these, max health should be what they scale from.
I'll start with thorn tanks. On their own attacking someone you should be able to ignore them. When you attack them however, is where you find yourself in a prickly situation.
Damage over time but it scales. Take x damage per tick and multiply the longer you are in combat AND attacking the thorn tank.
How to counter them is thwle 'simple' burn them down quickly burn strategy. So you can expect this to be even worse when fighting in a group. Siege should not trigger the 'thorn debuff.'
How to balance this? The debuff also slows down the tank, so they become more vulnerable. A give and take.
Next, reflective tanks. These are easy. See that guy with 50k health? Light attack him once to probe. Did he just shoot back half the damage you hit him with? That's a reflector. It makes gankers consider their tarkets a little more thoroughly.
Balancing? Again, they sacrifice weapon and spell damage for this gimmick. But maybe rhey could also sacrifice resistance as well every time they use their skills. And that reflector better be either always spamming the skills or quick on the draw. I don't think it would be fair to force the reflection skill to have a cool down either after a successful reflection, but maybe a brief cool down between having it up. Make reflective tanks a game of cat and mouse.
Netters. Netters are designed as field control. Their entire purpose is to slow down their enemies and hope their buddies will mow down the opposition. Essentially a walking sticky trap. Can't do much damage. Make annoying ball groups 'reeeeee!' Until they burn it then hopefully you have killed the ball group with siege.
'Well Mio,' some figment of my imagination might say. 'Wouldn't this compliment gankers?'
Well yes figment of my imagination. Yes it would. In theory. One person to sticky trap a group of people, and another to bomb them. Gank city would just get gankier!.... Unless they encountered a thorn tank with a couple of healers.... oof.
Well, that's all I have to say about that. I just had some ideas that could possibly be used in the future. Or not.
What do y'all think?