Hello, Warden here. I've been playing this class since its release and I have to say that I am not comfortable with the route Scorch is going. This is our main burst skill in PvP. Reducing the damage on the first hit is the worst thing you can do to magicka builds. Its morphs are all over the place to begin with. One does magic damage and the other does poison damage, why? It's the only poison skill in the class and it's out of place. Both morphs should deal magic damage so both stamina and magicka builds benefit from the passive. Additionally, why have two different durations on the morphs? The magicka morph deals considerably more damage due to its double debuffs, so why not make the stamina morph more interesting? Have them both hit twice at 3 and 6 seconds, but make sub assault deal more damage per target hit. Or add an AoE off-balance to it. 9 seconds for Deep Fissure to land the hard punch is horrible. Magicka builds already lack burst, and now you're taking away the only skill that's capable of truly hurting enemies. Again, 3 seconds for a tickle and 9 seconds for a hard hit is a bad idea. We never asked for this. No Warden has ever complained about struggling to keep fissure up. We did not ask for these changes. Please, just make them both last 6 seconds and add an extra effect to sub assault so that both stamina and magicka builds can use both morphs. Currently, only stamina builds can benefit from using both morphs. If a Magicka build uses sub assault, we miss out on the debuffs and 10% bonus from the passive. Stamina wardens are more than capable of killing enemies without Major and Minor Breach, Magdens are not. Just make them both usable by any build and stop treating Scorch as a DoT. It is a delayed burst skill, not a DoT. It doesn't not need an increased delay.
Edited by OnGodiDoDis on August 1, 2022 10:09PM