I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I really haven't seen any active PvPers in either of my housing guilds and whenever I see PvPers in PvP they aren't even wearing anything cool because the vast majority of them don't really care. I feel like these are intensives that appeal a lot more to the non-PvP crowd.
Dem_kitkats1 wrote: »I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
I agree. I don't see PvPers asking for PvE reward systems to change for them simply to get skins or personalities. The thing is that PvPers also need incentives within their own preferred content in order gain a sense of achievement and to be rewarded for their efforts (many would argue that there are too few rewards as it is now). You wouldn't ask for the majority of rewards from PvE content to be mainly achieved in normal dungeons just for convenience sake, instead of rewarding those who spent countless hours parsing and practicing for end game content. What you're asking for, OP, is the equivalence of that. Although PvP provides players with a different sense of achievement than in PvE, it is a type of end game in which players invest a lot of time and gold in practicing, and perfecting their performance. It's not fair that those countless hours are not rewarded in the end because some players are inconvenienced.DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I really haven't seen any active PvPers in either of my housing guilds and whenever I see PvPers in PvP they aren't even wearing anything cool because the vast majority of them don't really care. I feel like these are intensives that appeal a lot more to the non-PvP crowd.
Also, PvPers enjoy cosmetics as much as other players. Whether it's to look or amazing, or absolutely ridiculous PvPers will put the time in to achieve it. As for housing, it may not be their priority, but I have 2 houses, and I know of others who have several.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »Dem_kitkats1 wrote: »I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
I agree. I don't see PvPers asking for PvE reward systems to change for them simply to get skins or personalities. The thing is that PvPers also need incentives within their own preferred content in order gain a sense of achievement and to be rewarded for their efforts (many would argue that there are too few rewards as it is now). You wouldn't ask for the majority of rewards from PvE content to be mainly achieved in normal dungeons just for convenience sake, instead of rewarding those who spent countless hours parsing and practicing for end game content. What you're asking for, OP, is the equivalence of that. Although PvP provides players with a different sense of achievement than in PvE, it is a type of end game in which players invest a lot of time and gold in practicing, and perfecting their performance. It's not fair that those countless hours are not rewarded in the end because some players are inconvenienced.DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I really haven't seen any active PvPers in either of my housing guilds and whenever I see PvPers in PvP they aren't even wearing anything cool because the vast majority of them don't really care. I feel like these are intensives that appeal a lot more to the non-PvP crowd.
Also, PvPers enjoy cosmetics as much as other players. Whether it's to look or amazing, or absolutely ridiculous PvPers will put the time in to achieve it. As for housing, it may not be their priority, but I have 2 houses, and I know of others who have several.
Honestly I don't think it's equivalent at all. All you have to do to get the achievements for PvE to get cosmetics is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile PvP is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kill you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily BGs on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »Dem_kitkats1 wrote: »I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
I agree. I don't see PvPers asking for PvE reward systems to change for them simply to get skins or personalities. The thing is that PvPers also need incentives within their own preferred content in order gain a sense of achievement and to be rewarded for their efforts (many would argue that there are too few rewards as it is now). You wouldn't ask for the majority of rewards from PvE content to be mainly achieved in normal dungeons just for convenience sake, instead of rewarding those who spent countless hours parsing and practicing for end game content. What you're asking for, OP, is the equivalence of that. Although PvP provides players with a different sense of achievement than in PvE, it is a type of end game in which players invest a lot of time and gold in practicing, and perfecting their performance. It's not fair that those countless hours are not rewarded in the end because some players are inconvenienced.DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I really haven't seen any active PvPers in either of my housing guilds and whenever I see PvPers in PvP they aren't even wearing anything cool because the vast majority of them don't really care. I feel like these are intensives that appeal a lot more to the non-PvP crowd.
Also, PvPers enjoy cosmetics as much as other players. Whether it's to look or amazing, or absolutely ridiculous PvPers will put the time in to achieve it. As for housing, it may not be their priority, but I have 2 houses, and I know of others who have several.
Honestly I don't think it's equivalent at all. All you have to do to get the achievements for PvE to get cosmetics is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile PvP is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kill you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily BGs on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
PvP vs PvE, what? Following objectives to win in battlegrounds is PvP. Maybe you are talking about "only deathmatch" players vs the rest?
Why do you not slap on good gear and start having fun in Battlegrounds, as you do in PvE?
You say trials are easy, is that why there are so many progressive groups and people buying runs to clear it? Maybe if you invested same amount of time learning pvp as you did pve it would also be easy and fun?
I would agree the styles should be sellable. There are so much rng in pve. Points to monster sets as one big thing and getting set drops from dungeons. You do have to run those things many times still to get stuff. Not really what a 'pvper' want to do.
"Why do you not slap on good gear and start having fun in Battlegrounds, as you do in PvE?
RitualSmoke wrote: »well heres the deal, it is the way it is any most likely will not change to be easier for PVE'rs to amass all the rewards without doing the work. you can use pve to make it easier. Find cheesiest build probably a DK for survivability and good for newer people. farm the gear in PVE, do your daily bg, get the pages and keep playing pve hard and join a trade guild amass a small fortune, purchase a ton of 150% ap potions and burn through Grandoverlord in one midyear mayhem. it can be done
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »
All you have to do to get the achievements for Pvp is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile Pve is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kick you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily dungeons on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »
All you have to do to get the achievements for Pvp is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile Pve is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kick you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily dungeons on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
Not even close to accurate for PvP. Please don't make fun of my post. I feel like you're trying to antagonize me.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I, myself, only really want to PvP for the sake of the style pages and Cyrodiil decorations. For this I do have a solution. Simply make those easier to get.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »Also I think that PvEers should have access to some of the coolest motifs and decorations there are without having to pay 5 years of their life in getting it and another 20 in stress.I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I, myself, only really want to PvP for the sake of the style pages and Cyrodiil decorations. For this I do have a solution. Simply make those easier to get.DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »Also I think that PvEers should have access to some of the coolest motifs and decorations there are without having to pay 5 years of their life in getting it and another 20 in stress.I just don't think content, or rewards structures, need to be changed to accommodate people who are essentially "sight-seeing" in that content to get the rewards. Those rewards are there to incentivize and reward players for doing the content. Diminishing that to accommodate players who don't even want to be in that content is a disservice for players who do want to be there.
Is this a solution to some PvE vs PvP player issues or a solution to make it easier to get rewards?
There are rewards in PvE just as there are rewards in PvP. Part of that design is clear and it is to get people to try different activities. It seems to be a very purposeful design that 50 skill points plus another 59 sky shards are locked behind PVP activities so it is not a stretch to suggest the style pages and decos are just as much part of a conscious plan.
So I agree with @jaws343 that the content or rewards structures do not need to be changed for this.
Ooops mentioned wrong person. Jaws is the correct person.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »
All you have to do to get the achievements for Pvp is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile Pve is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kick you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily dungeons on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »
All you have to do to get the achievements for Pvp is find a functional build and group and run with it. once you learn the mechanics and coordination it's a breeze. There are people who run that stuff for money because of how easy it is and when you get it done there is no RNG involved in it. You get the thing. Meanwhile Pve is a whole lot more toxic and stressful to deal with. You can make an enemy who will stalk you and kick you every time they see you just because. And the motifs are RNG. You can spend literal thousands of hours total doing daily dungeons on the max number of characters and win every time and still not get those motifs. I have personally no time or patience for this toxicity or RNG.
There actually is a ton of RNG involved in getting those original style pages. You may literally never get them. If you're being kicked from a PvE group constantly because somebody doesn't like you you likely did something to earn that ire and if you didn't they are likely only going to be running that thing for a while. In the PvPers ganking you forever you may have to do a random battlegrounds everyday around the same time and always find that person. I have gotten hate mail in PvP plenty of times, but never once in PvE. PvPers are always a ball of stress because of how much more stressful and toxic the content is. That competitive spirit turns into bile really fast, whereas PvE is about cooperation. The motifs in PvE are rng, but they are way easier to get. If you did a vet dungeon every and a random BGs every day you are going to get every style page from the PvE content way faster then you would the old PvP style pages and on top of that they can be sold at guilds stores and are even sometimes available for crowns.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I think we all know this exists. PvP players hate it when PvE players ruin their matches in the pursuit of PvP rewards and PvE players hate it when PvP players don't follow mechanics for the same reason. I don't know of any perfect fix but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in there and see what people thought. A big reason why PvEers play PvP is to get xp. This I have no solution for. But another big reason is for the other rewards. I, myself, only really want to PvP for the sake of the style pages and Cyrodiil decorations. For this I do have a solution. Simply make those easier to get. You would get a lot less unwanted people in your games if people like me didn't have to do 5000 hours for a chance at getting the next horned dragon page. I hate doing Cyrodiil too but I want those decorations from the alliance ranks. To be clear I don't mean to say that they shouldn't be earned. Just maybe guarantee a style page at the end of a qualified PvP round and make the decorations take up to, say, alliance rank 10 to get. Maybe have characters share alliance rank gain? It also helps us PvE players a lot because when you're in a PvP match no one else wants you in it can get very toxic. I have received spam hate messages and "fan mail" multiple times and it certainly doesn't help my anxiety or heart condition.What do you think?
draigwyrdd wrote: »DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I think we all know this exists. PvP players hate it when PvE players ruin their matches in the pursuit of PvP rewards and PvE players hate it when PvP players don't follow mechanics for the same reason. I don't know of any perfect fix but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in there and see what people thought. A big reason why PvEers play PvP is to get xp. This I have no solution for. But another big reason is for the other rewards. I, myself, only really want to PvP for the sake of the style pages and Cyrodiil decorations. For this I do have a solution. Simply make those easier to get. You would get a lot less unwanted people in your games if people like me didn't have to do 5000 hours for a chance at getting the next horned dragon page. I hate doing Cyrodiil too but I want those decorations from the alliance ranks. To be clear I don't mean to say that they shouldn't be earned. Just maybe guarantee a style page at the end of a qualified PvP round and make the decorations take up to, say, alliance rank 10 to get. Maybe have characters share alliance rank gain? It also helps us PvE players a lot because when you're in a PvP match no one else wants you in it can get very toxic. I have received spam hate messages and "fan mail" multiple times and it certainly doesn't help my anxiety or heart condition.What do you think?
You want the reward for doing the content successfully without having to do the content successfully? What's the point? Lots of these rewards are pretty much the only content PVPers get as a reward for doing the PVP content, so to trivialise getting them would remove an entire layer of progression for PVPers.
DarthCuddlefluff wrote: »I think we all know this exists. PvP players hate it when PvE players ruin their matches in the pursuit of PvP rewards and PvE players hate it when PvP players don't follow mechanics for the same reason. I don't know of any perfect fix but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in there and see what people thought. A big reason why PvEers play PvP is to get xp. This I have no solution for. But another big reason is for the other rewards. I, myself, only really want to PvP for the sake of the style pages and Cyrodiil decorations. For this I do have a solution. Simply make those easier to get. You would get a lot less unwanted people in your games if people like me didn't have to do 5000 hours for a chance at getting the next horned dragon page. I hate doing Cyrodiil too but I want those decorations from the alliance ranks. To be clear I don't mean to say that they shouldn't be earned. Just maybe guarantee a style page at the end of a qualified PvP round and make the decorations take up to, say, alliance rank 10 to get. Maybe have characters share alliance rank gain? It also helps us PvE players a lot because when you're in a PvP match no one else wants you in it can get very toxic. I have received spam hate messages and "fan mail" multiple times and it certainly doesn't help my anxiety or heart condition.What do you think?
biminirwb17_ESO wrote: »There is a heap of style pages I wish I could get, but I know it is very unlikely that I will ever get them, because I do not like or cannot do the required content.
I do have a Grand Overlord Bow sniper PVP toon that has never had a nastygram whisper while playing in Cyrodiil , guess I must be lucky.