biovitalb16_ESO wrote: »Go watch his new video today. He basically says everyone is screwed with Update 35.
I'm thinking its time for a new game cause this one looks like its going down the toilet with this update. Thankfully Path of Exile 2 is getting closer.
biovitalb16_ESO wrote: »Go watch his new video today. He basically says everyone is screwed with Update 35.
I'm thinking its time for a new game cause this one looks like its going down the toilet with this update. Thankfully Path of Exile 2 is getting closer.
biovitalb16_ESO wrote: »Go watch his new video today. He basically says everyone is screwed with Update 35.
I'm thinking its time for a new game cause this one looks like its going down the toilet with this update. Thankfully Path of Exile 2 is getting closer.
As I recall, he said that experienced endgame players were going to be fine. They will adapt.
Aside: This may indicate a blind spot at ZOS, since people like Gilliam are experienced endgame players, so they go in, adapt to changes, and do just fine with these changes.
The video basically predicts that everyone else will suffer. I am not sure I completely agree, but I don't think he is far from the mark. New players who start after Update 35 will do just fine, too.
The most damning thing that I heard him say, and something I immediately noticed when I was on PTS, no Trial required, is that combat on PTS feels "less engaging".
Maybe ZOS needs to get some really low end players to test changes for 80 hours and watch as they attempt to adapt. These players probably never get on PTS. PTS is far too late for this sort of testing, anyway. This sort of testing needs to be done at the conceptual level, not the pre-release level.
Elfdominion4 wrote: »NO! Release pls! Update 35 is top! [snip]
MidniteOwl1913 wrote: »What I don't understand is why. What is so compelling about reducing "damage bloat" (their words not mine) that they are willing to ruin the fun of the game? And at this point, it must be clear to them that it in no way will help average players do more vet content. So why?
And if they feel they just must, why the nuclear nerf? Literally *everything* is getting hit this time. There will be no place to hide. So WHY?
The most damning thing that I heard him say, and something I immediately noticed when I was on PTS, no Trial required, is that combat on PTS feels "less engaging".
The most damning thing that I heard him say, and something I immediately noticed when I was on PTS, no Trial required, is that combat on PTS feels "less engaging".
This is my biggest issue with the next update: the combat feels plain awful. I don't mind power nerfs (though I do think they have to rethink 2 second DOT ticks, they are inconsistent with basically every skill and gear set in the game, their animations will have to change to reflect the 'burst' phase of the DOT, and they will cause a lot of issues with pve healing in particular), but I do mind when the core combat mechanics change and become worse, since I enjoy this game because of its combat. They should revert the dot durations, and 2 sec ticks, and just nerf healing in pvp (which is one of the reasons this is happening) via battle spirit.
runningtings wrote: »There have always been changes in ESO over the years and despite all the whining players will adapt. It's always the same.
ZOS, why are you trying to kill this game? Update 35 as is will alienate your core player base. I’m a core user, am well over CP 2000 and am horrified by what you propose to do. On top of the huge Champion Point nerf in 2.0, which took away all rewards for playing and gaining CP, now you are going to nerf everything else, including light and heavy attacks that we depend upon, as well as effectively destroying werewolves and making them useless? And this on top of the unannounced stealth nerf of Warfare CP? I have no idea who has made these bad decisions or why, but you could not do more to alienate your core player base than Update 35. It goes beyond appalling all the way to bring an atrocity.
Please do not implement Update 35 - now or ever.
On top of that, it seems like every new patch cycle you have to try to redo combat completely. I don’t know if you keep putting a different person in charge with a different vision or you only have one person in charge who can’t figure out what to do, but I can tell you what to do: LEAVE THE GAME ALONE. No more nerfs. You want to add things, great. We could use new classes and new skills. BUT STOP NERFING YOUR PLAYER BASE. It’s killing us and in the end it will be hurting you.
If you want us to go elsewhere, if this is your secret plan to lighten server load, then you’re doing what you want to be doing. Otherwise you’re making a huge mistake that is alienating and is going to run off the very people whom you need to keep.
JustAGoodPlayer wrote: »It is too many code mistakes now. A lot of skills and sets work with mistakes.
The same time balance feel bad. Dots with more than 14 seconds duration feels bad. And on DK i have now 24 second dots ... .
14 second dots are good - it is good time !
I do not need 12/16/18/20 second dots.
Now (on live) all is OK with dots ! And BAD on PTS.
And all other changes are bad too.
So for now we need to see what will be in todays patch note and base our actions on it.
Do not be to dissapointed, it did not yet enter live and i hope will not.
But with such changes for last 3 years, that you read each update PTS natch potes with dissapoitment and see how far away from the game combat team is ... .
Can we pls have better one ?