Folks I just see no reason to not have "auto-play cards" turned on. Unless you like to waste peoples' lives by excruciatingly, agonizing over when exactly you need to play that "1 gold card". Totally patient with the choice cards... but guys , give an old man a break. I don't have as much life left as you...
RealLoveBVB wrote: »You miss one negative point with autoplay.
If you have the opportunity to use 2 or more patrons in a turn and you are about to win with them, then you use a 1 gold card, turn the raven and play all other cards then.
KefkaGestahl wrote: »To be fair, I think a lot of people believe combo cards have to be played in a certain order. I did for the longest time. I would always have to make sure I played the card with a two combo effects second and then the card with three combo effects third. It was only recently after I climbed all the way to rubedite where I realized combos don't need to be played in any specific order. You can do peck, reinforcements and then toll of flesh and toll's combo will still proc.
Here's the thing, in some cases, pulling cards and waiting to play ones in your hand is beneficial.
For example. Say that the Crow favors my opponent, and I have 3 patrons in my favor and the Tithe card is in the tavern, and I have like 6 gold worth of coins in my hand.
Well, I would play 3 coin, buy the Tithe. Play 1 coin, use the Crow, pay another coin, use the Crow again, and achieve a patron victory.
Autoplay would drop all 6 coin up front, and I would be unable to use the Tithe effectively.
This same can hold true for various other scenarios, where waiting to play a card is more beneficial.
KefkaGestahl wrote: »Ok? I said it doesn't matter for combos. I don't know why you gave this lecture but thanks, Professor.
I use auto-play, just for the sheer laziness of not wanting to place them. It's nice that it doesn't auto-play all the cards, combo cards won't get auto-played and you have to play them yourself, allowing you to choose which order you play them so you can enhance the combo by playing it in the right order.
I tab out a lot during games, so when I just listen out for the sound of my cards being played and tab back in.
It doesn't allow you to choose the order. A card like Peck will be autoplayed. Peck itself doesn't have any combos but it will trigger the combos on other cards. And there might be situations where you want to play the card with the combo first but trigger the combo later.