Players in the community have a right to make their voices heard to disagree with and criticize decisions/actions they feel have been detrimental to the game and it's community.
The current PTS has been one of those decisions. They pledged to nerf the ceiling but instead they have lowered everyone's dps. Endgame players have lost on average 30-50k dps even with an upgraded Trial dummy. Even newer players have lost on average 10-20k dps. They have nerfed the main class spammables of Sorcs, Wardens, and Templars. They buffed NB to be the meta dps class of both PVE and PVP. The increased duration of dots has created very boring rotations where dots are applied and then the same skill is cast on endless repeat until the dots need to be reapplied. They have nerfed hots and increased the time it takes to complete trials making tanking Pve content much harder. No group has yet to get a Trifecta in the most recent trial on the PTS, leading many to wonder if Trifectas in the most recent trials will be even possible should this PTS go live.
PVP content has not received any additional content in the last 3 years. Bugs that have been around for years have still not been fixed such as being stuck in combat and unable to mount, 50 year long buffs and debuffs, going through doors twice, getting position desynced etc. The current Dev team promised this community with weekend events getting their hopes up and 6 months later they announce an unwanted XP bump in cyrodiil.
The current Dev team has ignored many many wishlists going around the community of highly requested features, and has instead implemented a card game, a massive dps nerf across the board, and has stuck to the same tired old formula of content release without any meaningful change in sight.
After testing in the PTS and seeing no change in sight, the current Dev Team has lost my confidence. Give your feedback on whether you like or dislike the current decisions being made in the game. Please remember to remain polite and civil.
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on July 15, 2022 3:33AM
Have you lost confidence in the Dev Team? 212 votes
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