There are a few versions of the basic reply you can get when reporting someone for harassment. In all of them you are told to ask the person to stop that harassing behavior, but many harassers already have their target on their ignore list (even before any kind of interaction with the victim).
In one of the kind of replies, i am told that if the offending player has me on his ignore list, to send them an ingame mail asking them to stop.
Here is an image with how the text looks on the ticket (cropped obviously) and below it the text it shows to spare you a click,
"... if the offending player has you on IGNORE, send them an in-game mail asking them to STOP the behavior ..."
Over the past months i always gave the same reply to this kind of answer: sending a mail ingame to a person that has me on ignore does not work. I receive the "You can not send mail to that recipient." ingame error message. But i still get this kind of answer from the support team.
So according to ZOS support team, i should be able to send an ingame mail to someone that has me on his ignore list, but i can not do this.
So this means that there is a bug ingame that prevents a player from sending an ingame mail asking to stop to someone that has him on ignore.
Do note that this is not discussion about any harassment reports or investigations conclusions, or how report tickets are being handled. It's about this ingame mail thing ZOS support team keeps telling me about despite me telling then it doesn't work.
-PC EU- / battlegrounds on my