I recommend you to find a friend to help you with this, so s/he creates a character with the name you want when you release it and deletes it after you re-created the character the way you want, because names get released exactly after the character is deleted.
I recommend you to find a friend to help you with this, so s/he creates a character with the name you want when you release it and deletes it after you re-created the character the way you want, because names get released exactly after the character is deleted.
Not sure what time the servers opened this morning, but I got in 10 minutes early ... and the name I wanted was already gone. Second name was available for the first character I created. But my first AND second choices were gone for the second character I created. That's three somewhat obscure names in 10 minutes, before the game even opened offcially!
Not sure what time the servers opened this morning, but I got in 10 minutes early ... and the name I wanted was already gone. Second name was available for the first character I created. But my first AND second choices were gone for the second character I created. That's three somewhat obscure names in 10 minutes, before the game even opened offcially!
Haha, happened to me too! Had to remake my Dragonknight because I put it in the wrong faction.EDT? Seriously? Whatever ...
I'm going to have to go back and remake the Dragonknight whose name I did get this morning. I was half asleep and accidentally picked the race I meant for the Nightblade that I was creating next.
You can always pick a name you like and add a second name to it. Like John Smith or Jane Smith. Thus you can likely get any name you want.
Opened 6AM EST (7AM EDT mislead a lot of people).
Even so at 6AM EST, names were snagged and the players who took them are offline, afk, mean/bullies (yes, I whispered a few), or wanted the name themselves (which is fine by me as long as they are active).
In an ideal world, picking a name you want shouldn't be a problem. But in a virtual and MMO world, it apparently is. You aren't allowed to have two people named "Tickley Pickley"! It's just absurd!
I know the feel of having your name taken. Sort of makes you not want to play (especially after getting lost making your character pleasingly "pretty" as you do in many TES games)... plus knowing your friend's names got taken by rivals... ;c
In the end, naming isn't an issue in MMO developer's eyes as it is to role-players. Just have to deal with "Ticklei Picklei".
I'm surprised at all the reports of names being gone. Is everyone trying to make one-word names?
I didn't have any difficulties with names, and I only have 2 that are one word. Plus, I didn't make any alts until maybe noon yesterday.