Resistance ignoring skills. Are they ok? Do we need more? Or should we get rid of them?

I know right now Corrosive Armor is getting a lot of heat right now due to its synergy with Oakensoul. Also, Onslaught gets complained about now and again.

However, I think the issue with these skills is that they are either burst or affect everything while active.

I do think there is a case for every class having at least 1 skill that ignores resistances while it’s active. But having it on Ultimates I believe is a little too much. Also, it couldn’t go on DPS spammables either.

Here is a list of possible skills for each class:

NB: Teleport Strike and next 2 Light Attacks used in 3 seconds.

DK: Searing Strike

Templar: Spear Shards

Sorc: Lightning Splash

Warden: Impaling Shards

Necromancer: Skeletal Mage

This would apply to both morphs. Corrosive Armor could be reworked as could Onslaught. So instead of insta kill ultimates, you end up with sustained pressure instead. This would enable all classes to have one skill to deal with super resistance stacked players in PvP without the insta kill shenanigans.

Or do you think they should remove resistance ignoring effects completely? And instead something else is needed.
  • lPeacekeeperl
    Effect of "ignore armor" should be completely removed from all skills except with Onslaught ult from 2H

    Motivation: the should be some skill with this effect to controll "tank meta", it should be accesible to any class, so it should be in "common" skills threes like weapon or guild. Maybe it will be ok as 5pcs set bonus "ignore enemy resistances for 5sec after ult usage" (overload lightattack oneshot?)

    But it shouldn't be in class skills to prevent "OMG NERF RING BECAUSE OF DKs ULT" kind of drama and to not force some classes be "couterpick" for some others builds|classes.
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    Effect of "ignore armor" should be completely removed from all skills except with Onslaught ult from 2H

    Motivation: the should be some skill with this effect to controll "tank meta", it should be accesible to any class, so it should be in "common" skills threes like weapon or guild. Maybe it will be ok as 5pcs set bonus "ignore enemy resistances for 5sec after ult usage" (overload lightattack oneshot?)

    But it shouldn't be in class skills to prevent "OMG NERF RING BECAUSE OF DKs ULT" kind of drama and to not force some classes be "couterpick" for some others builds|classes.

    Why only Onslaught? What about Mag builds? And what about the burst it gives? Don’t Tanks deserve some counter? I am suggesting sustain over burst. But if people are happy with burst nukes then ok.

    Corrosive is an issue because it affects everything. If it did double it’s damage now but only ignored Armor on itself it would still be good but not oppressive like it is now.
    Edited by MindOfTheSwarm on July 11, 2022 5:11AM
  • MindOfTheSwarm
    Another option is to have status effects ignore Armor depending on the class that applies them.

    NB: Overcharged and Poisoned.

    DK: Burning and Poisoned.

    Templar: Overcharged and Sundered.

    Sorc: Concussed and Sundered.

    Warden: Chilled and Haemorrhaging.

    Necromancer: Diseased and Concussed.

    Status effects don’t deal as much damage as skills and to really make the most out of them you need to build into them.
    Edited by MindOfTheSwarm on July 11, 2022 5:18AM
  • lPeacekeeperl

    Why only Onslaught? What about Mag builds? And what about the burst it gives? Don’t Tanks deserve some counter? I am suggesting sustain over burst. But if people are happy with burst nukes then ok.

    Corrosive is an issue because it affects everything. If it did double it’s damage now but only ignored Armor on itself it would still be good but not oppressive like it is now.

    Who forbid to mage use 2h weapon? Hybridisation made everithing equal)
    And in PVE this effect is completely useless(mobs dont have lots of resist, and most of pve builds already have enough penetration), so only one usage is PVP.

    Lightarmor vs.heavy armor passives shows thats "mages" already have this kind of advantage, so seems like another skill is unnecessary for this.

    Currently only burst is a good way to counter "tanks", in current "AOE heal" meta any kind of sustain damage will be outhealed just by hots. And Tank usualy have some cheasy vamp.dmg.reduction and other dmg.reduction ways, so, without strong burst|execute they usualy are just unkillable. And in PVP BG's mods time to kill matters

    And corrosive is an issue mostly becouse of incomming dmg.reduction. So not only DK can kill anithing in sight, but cannot be effectively killed. Only one counterlay - run. Best possible fics to corrosive - make it in way "ignores enemy resistens, own resistance becomes equal 0" like "do or die" button. will require at least some player skill to use.
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