Looking for Active group

Soul Shriven
I am a fairly casual player, enjoy a good romp through a Dungeon and am willing to adjust my play style to help the group more. The issue I have is finding a guild that is actually active. Not one or two people but rather a real group. I have joined a few guilds and never seem to have anyone to play with. If you have a guild with an active discord server, people actually talking and gaming together on a regular basis I would love to hear from you.
  • TybaltKaine
    Blackfeather Academy does dungeon runs every week, we also do farming runs, trials, both for training and farming, and have an active server with members on all the time. We've altered our usual schedule a bit to do ZoZ runs this week, so we aren't doing our usual dungeon runs, but as soon as the event ends we will be back at it, running story modes, clears and training.

    We'd love to have you along for the ride!

    If you'd like an invite message me in game, my handle is the same there as it is here.

    Discord: https://discord.gg/wnCrBXXKZU
    • Tybalt Kaine Khajiit Nightblade Aldmeri Dominion
    • PC/NA
    • Guildmaster- Lucky Raven
    • Knight of Marrow - Blackfeather Academy
    • Adepti- The Witches Goblet
    • "Nightblade healer huh? How does that work?"
    • "I drain the blood of our enemies and fire it into you. It's a lot less messy than it sounds, and yeah I'm basically a Vampire without the whole AGH FIRE BAD"
  • EozZoe1989
    looking for friends in eso na server. iam eu.. lol if any players looking for eu friends on na server or na server looking for eu friends then please look me up.. message me ..


    multiplaying gamer//
    age 33
    looking for people who only wanna be friends and game together..
    interested in both girls and guys for friends only..
    cake and tea chill and play.. and help each other ..
    here is my links .. for facebook and other..

    my steam account..

    Facebook group,, to add friends and make friends.. new
    discord group.. if like to join.. as team its everyone's, its ours,,
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