Is there an issue with two person queues? Specifically for daily normal dungeons.

My wife and I recently started playing the game, and overall we're having a very good time with it. However, we can't seem to get into dungeons together. The last dungeon we did together we queued as healer+dps and it took 2 hours 20 minutes for the queue to pop. Our queue is almost always over an hour regardless of what roles we decide to fill (mostly we've tried heals+dps, tank+dps, and dps+dps).

It feels like a bug or something, because if I solo queue even dps queues are significantly shorter than our healer+dps duo queue.
  • DigiAngel
    Queue as a tank+heal and you'll get right in. I can say though....sometimes the queue will flake out and at that point it's a complete shutdown of the game...won't be able to join OR leave the queue just stuck in limbo.
  • Galiferno
    I usually queue as a tank with a DPS friend and I have this strange bug where the queue won't pop if me(tank) is the lead. Same thing happens if I'm a healer. So when I have one tank or healer and one dps, I make sure the DPS starts the group or pass lead to them and then queue works instantly.
  • oldbobdude
    Be a real tank if queuing tank.
  • El_Borracho
    If you are a Tank/Healer queueing with a DD, always give the crown to the DD to queue. For some reason, it will take forever if you have the Tank/Healer queue
  • Kahnak
    Not sure if there is a known issue, but I've had very similar problems when queueing with a buddy. Doesn't matter what role.
    Edited by Kahnak on July 5, 2022 9:48PM
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • Destai
    I tried queueing as a healer with a DD friend, 10+ minutes wait. Wound up giving up.
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