Often times I've seen a lot of gear and skills that offer a fun way of playing, especially support-role type of gear, that gets nerfed to the ground because of how much they break PvP and vice-versa.
They said Mist Form was a disengaging tool so they took its more prominent feature away from PvE and now it only protects you against player dmg (I guess the release from traps also works, but race against time from psijic order does that too AND provides some crit bonus, so mist form is completely out of the question).
And there has been so many times where I've suggested some skill improvements that would make support roles a lot more fun to play (and actually keep playing in that role instead of just switching to DPS via armory once the dungeon is over), but the biggest backlash I get from most of you is that doing so would break PvP balance (especially since PvP'ers hate players that won't die).
Biggest example I'll always keep bringing up until it's made this way: Power Slam. I've been highly insistent that this skill should've been a tank skill.
The skill originally stacked 10 stacks of resentment when you blocked an attack, each increasing the power of the skill up to a total of 50%. Then it got buffed in terms that it no longer had a 0.5 second cooldown between each stack gain and you could get them all practically at once if surrounded by swarming mobs. All they had to do was make the damage scale off max health or armor and suddenly you'd have the best tank damage skill that could offer tanks a way to provide some more to DPS.
One of the alternative arguments is that tanks should stay in their lane and only provide support for DPS and be a punching meat bag (with that logic, DPS shouldn't block either), but the biggest counter-argument is that it would be an OP thing to do for PvP, being tanky, unkillable and still be able to defeat players (which to be fair, that's still a thing that happens a lot without power slam).
What the devs have done is that they removed any stack of resentment for power slam, now you only block once (because it makes sense: a DPS doesn't block as often as a tank does), and blocking will only grant you a 50% cost reduction. There's a CP perk that grants you a 33% buff by blocking once.
By doing that, now you have the best aspect of the power slam skill applying on ANY weapon, and the dmg still scales off your weapon damage, so it also takes away from what could've made tanking fun.
Don't get me wrong, it's nice that I can still do the block/counter thing, it just doesn't feel right to me to take away the only thing that made sword and shield interesting and give it to all other weapons and make it for DPS and not tanking.
But back to the main topic...
Every time I suggest something fun, it always gets shot down with PvP balance issues.
And considering what they did to Mist Form, and also based on my experience in Fallout 76's battle royale mode, I came to think and figured that the best way to fix most PvP/PvE balance issues while still allowing the game to be actually fun is to go the fallout 76 route: When you enter PvP, the ONLY thing that transfers to your character is the appearance.
I think AP should be used to get PvP only skills that won't work in PvE and vice-versa.
If People are only playing PvE, imagine a build where Harbinger (which I know is a PvP armor set from IC) and Resilient Yokeda would make for a tank build where blocking deals actual damage to all mobs and it's a fun way for tanks to deal damage while blocking, be effective at actually dealing that damage, and not have to worry about those sets ruining PvP since you won't be able to equip those sets in PvP.
It would also make it easier for people to get into PvP now that they know what type of skills and equipment is allowed and build based around it.
I know I've had many times where I tried making fun and interesting builds only to realize they're completely worthless and don't do you any favors at all in PvP. The idea of having to research what sets are better and more effective which eventually lead to meta builds is what's causing this constant shift in balance. I remember I became a master of PvP because my gear was carrying me with DC and Mechanical. And many others started doing the same, until both got nerfed and now there's probably another meta shift that will change for the same reasons.
By having PvP only gear and skills, many others won't have to do research on what's good and what isn't and would be easier for everybody to experiment with what they have available, and lowers the steep learning curve to get into PvP.
My other alternative for all balance issues is simply put hard caps on everything, and allow builds to be more of having to choose which flavor of particle effects you like more, and not which armor sets you need to be good at the game. (The way I worded it makes it seem like it's the worst approach, but I'm actually inclined to this approach too, with a cap, devs are free to do any sort of crazy sets without having to worry about balancing them out eventually and would make the game something fun and not a chore).
I guess I'm just tired of seeing these rebalances as a "this game has to be played this way" and not as a way to make things actually fun. I mean, they keep saying "play as you want" in every major update, only to have our hands slapped and be told "this isn't how you're supposed to play it, so now you can't do X and Y has been nerfed so you play it this other way we want you to play it"
At least having that separation of PvE and PvP would still allow us to be creative on how we want to approach stuff in our lanes without having to get slapped in the hand because the other group wanted to try something out of their lane.
Exclusivity between PvP and PvE 58 votes
Allow a mix of PvE and PvP skills and gear (nothing changes)
Make gear and skills exclusive
Cap everything

2 votes
Don't really care, just here for results.

2 votes
I got my own suggestion on this comment: