There is no need to change that, really.
I'm not sure what you say about Dolgubons addons as the addons cannot even read the api version from the txt file and I'm not sure what other checks the addon did that you need to change the txt files?
Inside the txt files the API Version lines only accepts 2 numbers max in the row ! So do not try to add 101033 101034 101035, this will not work. And do not use any separator characters, just a space. The line needs to start with
## ApiVersion:
Another idea: take a screenshot ingame and check the folder shown at the top right as the screen was taken. The folder shows you where the game expects the AddOns folder (1 folder above the Screenshots folder).
Maybe you chafed the files but the game thinks the addons are located somewhere else.
Examples please, which ones show as outdated? I'll have a look at their txt files, downloaded from, and maybe I can see a reason then. Always better to check with valid examples.
local currentAPIVersionOfAddon = 101034 if GetAPIVersion() > currentAPIVersionOfAddon and GetWorldName()~="PTS" and not updateWarningShown then d("Update your addons!") out("Your version of Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter is out of date. Please update your addons.") ZO_Alert(ERROR, SOUNDS.GENERAL_ALERT_ERROR ,"Your version of Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter is out of date. Please update your addons!") DolgubonsWritsBackdropCraft:SetHidden(true) out = function() end DolgubonsWrits:SetHidden(false) updateWarningShown = true end
About Dolgubons: I do not know such out of date info ingame and never had it shown
Yes, as I wrote above I've found it already, thx. It's the code posted in my last post.Try using an older API version of the lazy writ crafter - it very much has a window pop up and tell you the addon is out of date. This isn't some little text message, it's something clearly programmed into the addon.
Ulfhethinn wrote: »I've figured it out. Despite the current version of the add on being in the correct folder, somehow the game still could access the older add on that I had moved to a new location. Getting rid of it (without changing anything in the live/Addons folder fixed the issue.About Dolgubons: I do not know such out of date info ingame and never had it shown
Try using an older API version of the lazy writ crafter - it very much has a window pop up and tell you the addon is out of date. This isn't some little text message, it's something clearly programmed into the addon.