I’ve been experimenting with refining a build on one of my characters and have encountered something I’ve not seen before, nor have I encountered this with any of my other characters and varied builds. In the middle of a knock-down, drag-out, whirlwind of a fight with mobs, I will occasionally see the word “Immobilized” pop-up over all opponents, who then freeze for about 3-4 seconds. (I have the damage HUD turned on to better see and evaluate the damage and damage affects I’m generating with the various builds). The “Immobilized” appears over ALL members of the mob immediately around me versus just one opponent.
The character is at CH850+, Nord Nightblade, using two-handed sword with flame enchantment. Armor sets are Ashen-Grip and Hunding’s Rage, medium with enhanced regeneration of health, magica and stamina. None of the skills I have slotted have immobilization or paralysis as a combat affect. Mirri is the companion, using archery, and none of her slotted skills have immobilization or paralysis as a combat affect.
I’ve observed this “Immobilized” affect multiple times, in multiple locations, but only with mobs, not with just a single opponent. It has occurred in dungeons, delves and outside locations. I’ve tried to consciously generate the affect by fighting mobs, utilizing just certain slotted skills or a combination of certain skills. So far, I’ve not been able to intentionally generate the “Immobilized”.
When I’ve used Bastion, with other characters, he has this annoying line of “Good! Remember how you did that!” When hearing that line my thought is just what was it I did you want me to remember? With this “Immobilized” affect I’m seeing, it’s making me wonder. Is there some sort of combination of skills, weapons, enchantments, attacks or attack combinations that when used, will generate some sort of special, secondary combat effect?
Has anyone else seen anything remotely like this? Does anyone have any idea what this might be?