[BUG] High Isle boss quest Avarice of the Eldertide won't complete

Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
We picked up this daily boss quest .. killed the bosses and did the other side things and it did not complete the quest. We went back and killed the bosses again, still did not complete.
A different boss two days ago could not even aggro the boss to start the fight. Not impressed to be honest.

Picture is of the 2 dead theurges we killed that should have competed the quest.
  • kargen27
    Same bug. I know I killed the bosses because I solo'd the fight.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • IronMercer
    Same problem, this boss remains bugged. Killed them twice now and no credit. I even soloed them, still no credit.
    >:) DESPERTA FERRO!! >:)

  • IronMercer
    I found a solution to get credit for the boss kills. Don't loot the eggs until after you kill the bosses. If you already have, then drop the quest and re-acquire it.
    >:) DESPERTA FERRO!! >:)

  • SpeedyBoop
    Soul Shriven
    Same happened to me and several players i also want to not it took a ridiculously long time for the eldertide wbs to respawn around 45 minutes not sure if that was the intention
  • skeevynix
    Still having this issue, waiting to collect the eggs did not fix the issue for me
    pc/NA @SkeevyNix (NZ)
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    I got this bug this evening too. Joined in part way through the boss fight, helped kill ONE of the two bosses, then looted the secondary objectives. Noticed that I did not have credit for the boss kill (I did enough damage to get loot, that was not an issue). Waited for boss to respawn. Killed both. No credit. Dropped quest and got a reshare. Then boss just simply failed to respawn.... sigh

  • DLM
    IronMercer wrote: »
    I found a solution to get credit for the boss kills. Don't loot the eggs until after you kill the bosses. If you already have, then drop the quest and re-acquire it.

    That was my feeling as well as I never had issue this way... but I haven't been able to complete this daily for a few days (and yes, I dropped the quest) doesn't matter which boss dies first, doesn't matter if I pick the geodes last or first.

    Any intention to fix your game, ZOS? Or are you happy with the broken state of your new content?
  • Holmarion19
    Killed bosses twice today (30th June)). Quest still not registering
  • HappyDan
    had issue that boss didn't even spawn waited over 30 minutes and they refused to spawn
  • vivisectvib16_ESO
    Killed both bosses today, ps5, neither credited me with the quest completion.
  • ghastley
    Another player mentioned that the order of killing the two matters. Female first, or it will not complete. Of course, this was said after we did it wrong, and then they would not respawn to let us confirm the theory.

    Anyone else support that? I went back today and the right order worked. Not proof, but theory stands.
    Edited by ghastley on July 6, 2022 5:49PM
  • Risque_stitcher
    Soul Shriven
    Same for me. Killed it and won’t register. It’s also taking a looong time for this boss to spawn now too.
  • katanagirl1
    I was able to get credit for this today on the first try, but that is not a guarantee it’s fixed of course. It did take 3 tries last time, though.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • ImmortalElf13
    Yup. Two kills, still no credit.
    Pulchra floralibus mitram iuro, tibi desinet.
  • Jaimeh
    Yes, it's still bugged; there's been numerous threads about it already, I was hoping it'd be addressed in this week's maintenance but no word from ZOS... kinda crazy it's still broken.
  • Avoranti
    PlayStation 4/5 NA

    Was just coming here to post about this. This quest has been broken for me and my girlfriend twice now. Just did the fight killed the boss, and no credit. Was just her and I here. We did pick up a geode first before starting combat. We are also grouped. Not sure if that information helps.
  • Plasmawalker9
    Soul Shriven

    Bugged for me today. I'm waiting for the wb to spawn a second time to see if picking up the geodes after the wb is down will help. I won't loot until after and will fight the woman first.
  • Aliyavana
    can confirm still bugged. not taking the geodes before killing the bosses made no difference
  • WithMyLaserGun
    Confirm still bugged :(
  • DP99
    IronMercer wrote: »
    I found a solution to get credit for the boss kills. Don't loot the eggs until after you kill the bosses. If you already have, then drop the quest and re-acquire it.

    Nope, That doesn't work either, just beat them with another player and our companions and then I collected the eggs, and no credit. :(
  • bellablithely
    This boss and the daily quest are still bugged. They take aaaaaages to spawn, and then when you do kill them you can't progress your quest. I'd hoped that it would be fixed the update everyone has been talking about. Apparently not.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone, wanted to let you know we recently fixed this issue internally and will try to get it out into an incremental patch. Thanks!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MasterSpatula
    As mentioned in another thread, they have to die when the AoE circle is not active to get credit for the quest.

    Yay for a fix! Could you take a look at the secondary objectives in "Unmaker's Hoard" and "Wildhorn's Wrath" while you're looking into these?
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • James-Wayne
    This bug has been happening since High Isle came out and we are only addressing now? I know I reported it multiple times.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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    James-Wayne you earned this badge 9:56AM on 4th of February 2024.
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  • kamimark
    Yeah, done this multiple times with no completion. I just gave up on ever doing boss quests in High Isle, they're not worth the trouble.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • langewapper
    yes still bugged
    take more than 50 min to respawn is this normal ?

  • anjasa
    Still bugged on PC-NA. Killed the male first, the aoe rings continued after his death, didn't get credit, bosses won't respawn.
  • athena9205
    its either a continuing mechanic from the boss(es) that didn't complete properly, or picking up the side quests first that breaks the journal entry into not completing.
  • jrfk2
    We finally got this to work, picked up the side things first, then killed the female NPC then killed the male NPC .. has completed twice now ..
  • anjasa
    Ascendant Shadows quest is bugged on PC-NA. Killed the bosses, didn't get credit for the quest, and they didn't respawn.
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