You could do that, kind of curious how the sustain would stack up, which will still probably be ok since it won't cost stam for Arterial Burst either way.
If you're good on Sustain you could weave in Wrecking Blows from 2H to empower your lights along with Crystal Weapon.
I used it one magsorc and use Force Shock as a 2nd spammable. I have no idea if that is optimal, but it feels right somehow,
hiya, resident stam sorc here
so i really like the change to crystal weapon (being able to trigger twice per cast) but i'm not exactly sure what it means for a stam sorc rotation. with the extra chance to proc per cast, i feel like there's this empty space in the rotation without a skill being weaved in, and i'm trying to figure out what skill would be best to weave in there.
my initial thought is to simply slot a second spammable to weave in, and as a vampire character i'm leaning towards eviscerate (arterial burst) but i would love any advice people could give!
Maybe Elemental Weapon?
When the patch drops on console I plan on swapping the frag morph to crystal weapon. Pre-loading with crystal weapon and casting alongside crushing shock. Should be able to land Fury, Curse, light attack, crystal weapon, and crushing shock (+enchantment) all within the same burst window. It may do less damage, and have a cost, compared to frags, but it is pretty much a guaranteed "proc" whenever you want it. Which kind of out does frags a bit imo, since frags sometimes doesn't proc when you need it most.
But that is for PVP. For PVE, I will either keep frag, or drop crushing and swap to crystal weapon altogether. Maybe swap in a dot, or some other passive skill.
I thought they removed the ability for these two to stack a patch or two ago? Or was it just the stam morph of ele weapon?
Stam sorcs get the most oomph out of the crystal weapon, if they aim to use it as their every second skill. That means your rotation should be close to:
CW > Stampede > CW > Bound armaments > CW > Carve > CW > Bound armaments > CW >... Etc.
As you weave, the first proc of CW will happen on the weave of the next skill and the second proc will happen from the weave of next crystal weapon. It will ofc start to become a lot harder and you need to do quick decisions of when to CW, when to use bound armaments etc when you start caring about the uptimes too. Also do note using the CW as your every second skill is expensive and you cannot do it on a non-sustain race, so you need to find balance there to maximise CWs without burning all of your stamina.