Cutting dive has a 15s CD on it's bleed stuff due to it being tied to Off-balance, making it fall behind.
Also there's the ranged aspect, you wanna be 7+ Meters back to proc Off-balance but you need to be close for weaving. Just kinda makes positioning a mess.
And sure in group content, Off-balance will typically be applied by healers, because they're cool like that, but it's still a stupid hoop to jump through
It's not great, but it's also not garbage.
1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
5. You proc heal after using it from passives.
Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.
It's not great, but it's also not garbage.
1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
5. You proc heal after using it from passives.
Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.
Daggerfell0929 wrote: »
I guess the bleed damage for sets is nice
It's not great, but it's also not garbage.
1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
5. You proc heal after using it from passives.
Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.
2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »But then why did they nerf it?