Cutting Dive feels trash to use

In pve is feels garbage to use on melee weapons because you need to be close to weaving, which cancels out the 7-meter requirement for proccing off balance

In pvp targets are often immune to off balance-which means this ability offers nothing else besides damage. Every other spammable is better whether arrow, rending slashes, or dizzying swing. H

Heck Dizzy swing still procs the snare if target is Stun immune, so at minimum cutting dive should proc bleed at any range if target is off balance immune.
  • Mr_Stach
    Just to parrot myself:
    Cutting dive has a 15s CD on it's bleed stuff due to it being tied to Off-balance, making it fall behind.

    Also there's the ranged aspect, you wanna be 7+ Meters back to proc Off-balance but you need to be close for weaving. Just kinda makes positioning a mess.

    And sure in group content, Off-balance will typically be applied by healers, because they're cool like that, but it's still a stupid hoop to jump through

    They should remove the Off-balance Stipulation and let it do its special thing, also speed it up so it feels better to use.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • dmnqwk
    It's not great, but it's also not garbage.

    1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
    2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
    3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
    4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
    5. You proc heal after using it from passives.

    Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.
  • Daggerfell0929
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    It's not great, but it's also not garbage.

    1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
    2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
    3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
    4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
    5. You proc heal after using it from passives.

    Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.

    I guess the bleed damage for sets is nice
  • ESO_Nightingale
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    It's not great, but it's also not garbage.

    1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
    2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
    3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
    4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
    5. You proc heal after using it from passives.

    Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.

    I think it's a garbage design lol
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • ResidentContrarian

    I guess the bleed damage for sets is nice

    Not even that can get me to slot it...skill slots are too expensive for something only good every once in a while. In PvP, a skill better be good at all times or it's off the bar no matter what.
  • Starlight_Knight
    It was a good skill when it came out, the timed aspect of it was brilliant and fun because it wasnt a spammable it was a burst utilitity that couldnt be dodged. That was its idendity but ever since they sped it up to use as a spamable it just feels forced and horrible, also the warden has lost that unique play style of lining up burst.

    imho what the warden needs is more class damaging skills and somthing to use as a spam attack. the warden has 3 damaging skills far below that of any other class.
  • Mr_Stach
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    It's not great, but it's also not garbage.

    1. It's a ranged spammable for melee, meaning when you are unable to close the gap on a fight you have a spammable to contribute.
    2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.
    3. It's bleed damage, so you can wear Dro'kazar and Nirn and just be silly with bleed damage (it's always nice to use silly sets and not suck).
    4. The damage is not balanced around the off-balance bonus bleed damage, so it's essentially just a bonus on top.
    5. You proc heal after using it from passives.

    Again, it's not great.. but garbage is best saved for abilities which offer you nothing at all.

    These are some valid points. But here's the thing, it feels bad to use. And if something feels bad to use, you don't use it. So in that sense, until they make it better, it does offer nothing at all.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • Amdar_Godkiller
    But then why did they nerf it?
  • lPeacekeeperl
    dmnqwk wrote: »
    2. Sub Ass > Cutting Dive > Stampede > Cutting Divespam will provide a high value of damage if it mattered.

    In some rare pvp situation it might work. but in pve, when we now well be forced to use 5-15 spamables per dot cicle? will you repeat all this stampede rotation in boss (which stays in place mostly)?

    Again i have to drow attention to fact thats spamable is not in vacuum, we have to look at them in comparison to alternatives.
    And there is only two garbage spamable - wardens birb and necros skul whych has delay between "button pressing" and actual damage application.
    D.Swing and cristal fragments have casttime and do noticible more damage. And do damage exectly after end of cast.

    This delayed damage application have rights on existance, but not as main and only one available class spamable. It can be acceptable only as alternative morph of some situational skill.

    And yeah, now sub assault requerie 4 second to strike, so, wombo-combo wont work
  • merpins
    But then why did they nerf it?

    Dunno. It didn't need a buff, maybe a small one at best, but it did need an animation change. With this update, it would have been the one to do that but they didn't. Instead they ruined the animation of the best skill in the game (animation and feeling wise), Jabs, and "fixed" Flurry's animation which was almost as garbage as Dive. Almost. And by fixed, i mean they just put two light attack animations sped up as the new Flurry animation and called it a day. Animation is expensive, but they could have made it unique. At least it doesn't feel like garbage to use anymore, unlike the new Jabs and Dive.
    Edited by merpins on July 12, 2022 5:08AM
  • Amdar_Godkiller
    Nah, the dive is op with oaken and stuhn. Any warden that isn't using it during the High Isle patch is off their rocker. I'm getting god like 10K bleed ticks off it. I just couldn't believe this thread. you don't even need stampede. just bugs and bird spams for 5 seconds and you can kill anyone. Obviously I'm pissed it's getting nerfed since no one else does seem to use it, but they should be.
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