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My ideas on how PVP can be IMPOVED

I cover many aspects of pvp and give my ideas on how to fix alot of problems
Edited by Psiion on May 28, 2022 10:52PM
TWITCH jtk__gaming
GM of Elder-Skills DC PVP Guild NA
Main Toons
  • EdmondDontes
    Impoved? You mean like at the comedy club?

    Sorry, sometimes typos just totally change the meaning of things and this one was kind of, well, comical.
  • StevieKingslayer
    As usual JTK, I agree.

    The only downside I can see is the Tri Keep thing with the negative buff - If I wanted to be a jerk to another faction, I just wouldn't take my tri keeps back to make them forever have the debuff. Just food for thought, I know you probably already considered that and thought majority wouldn't do it, but we both know a lot of people -would- refuse to take those keeps back just to put another faction at a disadvantage/troll.

    You're right on the one-shot siege point. I don't know why people can't just understand - Ball groups only need healing addressed. If they lose their stacked heals, their just like everyone else in reality. The stacking heals is the issue. More damage doesn't need to be added, as it stands a regular player can take 2 shots of a cold fire and keel over, as well as those fancy lancers - All a one shot siege would do is mean all the pugs are dead on the ground anyway while the ball group dances on their bodies. :D
    Edited by StevieKingslayer on May 24, 2022 5:16PM
    I am demanding better customer service from Zenimax Studios.
    I am demanding better and more open communication between the devs & the playerbase.
    Majin Stevie || Iothane || Nymphetamine
    PVP || PVE
    Player since beta.
  • Kiyonami
    PvP needs only 2 improvements - performance and connection quality (a.k.a. latency). Everything else is meaningless without these.
  • madmidwestmark
    As another guild GM that leads 4-5 days a week, I'm for changes, just not most that you are prescribing and I'll explain.

    Faction flipping is MORE prevalent from a lower pop side TO the higher pop side. The bandwagon players by far, outnumber the people willing to fight. Before the lock, as soon as one side got strong, another side went down fast and this imbalance got worse, not better. I've been here since beta and have never nearly enough people to come from an opposing side to help. I have seen it from some of the better players, but it's very minimal the people doing it, aren't really there to help on the map.

    Emp idea is decent. I'd like to see the emp get an * next to their name after getting it and they don't lose their spot on the top of the leaderboard. They just don't get emp again. The 8 hr thing is still going to be limiting to many, but it would help.

    Ball groups. They way to nerf them the most, get rid of immunity. Snow treaders need to be reworked to reduce snares and then reduce sprint speed. Roots need to function. Immovable pots need to go. Shuffle reduced to .5s immunity per pc of medium. Nothing more than 2s, period. The next thing, bring back boosting defile through cp. This will cut their healing. They are running more than just radiating regen and echoing. They are using 5+ healers for 12 people. They are breaking game mechanics to be like a train that just spams things, without any real counter. Force them to break free and roll out of roots. They need to rework purge, netch, purify and all other negative affect removers to reduce DOT damage instead. Yes, plaguebreak broke them, but now there are skills you really can't even use in pvp because of 1 set. Reduce DOT damage by 5% (minor) and 12% (major) through those skills/sets. If you take away aoe HOTS, you aren't going to do as much as think. The other morphs of the heal are about 3x stronger, so your suggestion will to cut their healing by maybe 30-40%. The side effect, small groups suffer. Instead, I'd suggest they make it to where every stacking heal of the same type is reduced by 50% per person after 3.

    Village movement is a bad idea. It would allow players to harass an enemy non-stop. Groups would abuse this. There is a reason they put in bridges and gates. If you want to stop gating, do the following.

    Groups, zergs and guilds. They need to nerf ap for groups of people over 6 by 5% per player (up to 30%). They need to nerf ap from taking keeps down to 3k, but put in a buff for defense by say 1000 ap per player killed, split to defenders. For every player above what the enemy has at a keep getting a tic, they need to reduce the ap gained by 5%. So if they have 10 more people, they only get 50%. At 20 more people, they get nothing at all. To boost population AND spread, they need to incorporate guild ap and leaderboard. A guild who claims a keep gets ap over time and for every defense tick. That ap can be used to upgrade a keep with more guards, even ones that pour oils over doors. Also, put in a special captain on a flag (even resources!), who they get to choose (archer, mage, etc) and maybe even customize. Guild ap could be used to buy special siege too (add a couple more types). Being in a tabbard, with another player in same tabbard should give 2% bonus ap. They need to promote guilds in cyrodiil. Don't want to group or be in a guild, no problem, but this is supposed to be a warzone, not a battleground. ATM, we have most of the population "soloing" with 40+ other players. The earlier fights in the game were more spread because guilds didn't like to stack. The ap changes would help promote grouping, guilds and make more interesting fights.

    Hammer. I hate it, but if they are going to have it, they need to give it to third or second place, ONLY and once it's killed, it's gone. No flipping to other factions. Adding a heal to the weapon would be a good idea with this change. The majority of the time, the faction with most pop or stack win the hammer and then flip the map. It hurts the low pop side even more.

    Population. For every 1 bar an enemy has over another side, after a 5 min delay, add armor/health to guards and add a 15% buff to ap gained for lower pop. So if, one side is pop locked and another 1 bar, you get 60%. Pop locked vs 2 bar, you get 30%. It needs to scale more than it does now. The way it is, it's big or nothing at all. It needs to scale.

  • darvaria
    Nice video. Seems you addressed most of the major issues in Cyro. Not 100% in agreement with all of your proposed solutions but you did identify the biggest problems.

    Night capping: Give the lower pop factions substantial player buffs. Not many care about the score. Give the lower pop players a real reason to get in there and pvp. WOW used tenacity in Winer's Grasp, which was ridiculously OP. Could base this buff on number of players. 3 bars vs 1 bar ... give the 1 bar 2x stats.

    Hammer: Faction in lead should NOT be able to pick it up, even if it drops. Faction with emp should not be able to pick up hammer. Only the lower pop factions should be able to get it. If you have 3/2/2 .. then either of the 2 could get it, unless they were in lead or had emp.

    Not sure how you stop the zergs. I've actually seen you around a resource and get 1 v 30.

    Ball Groups. Stop stacking heals. Let siege have a group effect. Multiply by number of ppl in group.

    Thanks for your time in thinking about the game.

    (I'm on EP btw)
  • JonnytheKing
    darvaria wrote: »
    Nice video. Seems you addressed most of the major issues in Cyro. Not 100% in agreement with all of your proposed solutions but you did identify the biggest problems.

    Night capping: Give the lower pop factions substantial player buffs. Not many care about the score. Give the lower pop players a real reason to get in there and pvp. WOW used tenacity in Winer's Grasp, which was ridiculously OP. Could base this buff on number of players. 3 bars vs 1 bar ... give the 1 bar 2x stats.

    Hammer: Faction in lead should NOT be able to pick it up, even if it drops. Faction with emp should not be able to pick up hammer. Only the lower pop factions should be able to get it. If you have 3/2/2 .. then either of the 2 could get it, unless they were in lead or had emp.

    Not sure how you stop the zergs. I've actually seen you around a resource and get 1 v 30.

    Ball Groups. Stop stacking heals. Let siege have a group effect. Multiply by number of ppl in group.

    Thanks for your time in thinking about the game.

    (I'm on EP btw)

    no worrys mate and thanks for your imput
    TWITCH jtk__gaming
    GM of Elder-Skills DC PVP Guild NA
    Main Toons
  • kargen27
    " Give the lower pop factions substantial player buffs."

    I'm not to keen on this idea. If a group of five meets a group of five buffs provided outside the encounter shouldn't determine the outcome. Night capping doesn't bother me much one way or the other. If factions are unable or unwilling to defend the map whether it be lack of skill or lack of participation then those willing to be there should benefit.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • kargen27
    I usually don't watch videos because I retain information much better by reading and can read much faster than a video can present information. Also easier to go back to text for a reference. I decided to watch this one and quit when you decided to call people stupid. I know, I know, you didn't call people stupid you called their ideas stupid.

    Anyway that is where I quit watching.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Psiion
    Greetings all,

    After removing a few posts, we'd like to remind everyone to keep discussion respectful and on topic. As stated in the Baiting section of the Community Rules, "If you do not have something constructive or meaningful to add to a discussion, we strongly recommend you refrain from posting in that thread, and find another discussion to participate in instead." That being said, please keep the Community Rules in mind moving forward.

    This thread has also been moved to the PvP section of the Forums as it is better fit there.
    Staff Post
  • Didgerion
    Glad to see more players giving ideas on how to improve Cyrodiil.

    Here is my take on some of the points you've mentioned:

    1. Queue system really need to be improved, I can only agree with that
    2. Emperor system needs adjustments, I agree with a slight AP debuff in order to allow other players to catch up with Emp. But the whole Emperorship and Scroll system needs to be brought to the drawing board and redesigned IMO. Right now they buff the faction that already has supremacy, which is wrong imo. Maybe you can come up with something cool in the video you've mentioned.
    3. Gating, well I think you've overengineered with the solutions here. Fixing gating can be done really easily, just convert the gate keeps into towns and problem is solved. Allowing 3 players to quickly flip the town-keep will do wanders. It opens so many options for small groups, for example one could counter-gate the enemy while they are zerging your gates, or you can outplay the zerg if they are all in one town. And overall this will disperse zerglings a bit, for example it will force a faction to leave some players behind and protect those towns while running for scroll.
    4. Low pop bonus should go away, make towns bring more points instead, This way low population can still have an impact on the scoring, right now pop bonus is hit or miss, sometimes it even favors the zergy faction that just logged out after flipping all the map.
    5. Faction lock should go away, I agree there.
    6. Zergs, as you've mentioned the solution is to allow small groups to have a greater impact on the map. Basically I bring the same idea here as in point 3, just convert more keeps into towns. Zergz will continue to be invincible but they will have a smaller impact on the map. If 3 players could quickly undo what a zerg just did than having zerg groups will be a waste of power and the faction that are mostly zerging will loose control of the map. I think that this solution is way better than bringing additional buffs or nerfs on the table.

  • Amottica
    The first "problem" discussed, as stated, is more about the games stability. As the person clearly said, people are not upset about the queue itself but getting disconnected and such. Obviously getting DCed, especially while waiting in a queue and having to start over again is aggravating but it is stability of the game that is the issue according to what I heard in that video.

    One suggestion the person had was being able to BGs and dungeons while waiting for Cyrodiil. However, that is problematic in itself as it would lead to people abandoning their BG and dungeon to go into Cyrodiil even if they have the option to wait. That clearly creates bigger problems as now a group in a dungeon just lost their tank or healer and has to wait a long time to get a fill or abandon and start all over.
    Essentially, it is not a good idea to borrow from peter to pay paul which is what that suggestion is doing.

    The next "problem" discussed is access to Emporer which is currently limited to who can play the most. It is a great thought to find a way to open the door to more players. However, an 8-hour limit on AP gains for the leaderboard will lead to players finding the best means to get the most AP in that duration which could bring about less desirable behavior. Well, we know it will most certainly bring about less desirable behavior if it reaps the greater rewards.

    I am not knocking the overall idea but merely pointing out it needs greater thought put into the design and monitored to curtail unwanted behavior.

    The third "problem", the so-called ball groups, addressing some aspects of healing will probably help bring some balance. I agree with that person that people complain about organized groups and that an organized group is part of Cyrodiil and people need to deal with it.

    The fourth problem, night capping, is also just part of the game. That person in the video makes a good point that not everyone plays in the same time zone or is even available at the same time. Cyrodiil was never designed to be competitive which is made clear by the fact there can be more people in one alliance than the other two. It is inappropriate to punish people who play at a different time than me.

    I ceased watching at that point.

  • kargen27
    "5. Faction lock should go away, I agree there."

    The people pretty much spoke on this one. We have two campaigns that are identical other than the faction lock. The locked campaign is much more popular than the other. Right now we have a choice and choice is almost always good.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Didgerion
    kargen27 wrote: »
    "5. Faction lock should go away, I agree there."

    The people pretty much spoke on this one. We have two campaigns that are identical other than the faction lock. The locked campaign is much more popular than the other. Right now we have a choice and choice is almost always good.

    Yes you have a good point about choices.

    However I'm not totally convinced that Gray Host is the most popular campaign because of its lock feature or because it is just the first one in the list. The campaigns located on the top of the list are always more populated, it was like that even before campaign lock feature was introduced.
  • Iriidius
    Didgerion wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    "5. Faction lock should go away, I agree there."

    The people pretty much spoke on this one. We have two campaigns that are identical other than the faction lock. The locked campaign is much more popular than the other. Right now we have a choice and choice is almost always good.

    Yes you have a good point about choices.

    However I'm not totally convinced that Gray Host is the most popular campaign because of its lock feature or because it is just the first one in the list. The campaigns located on the top of the list are always more populated, it was like that even before campaign lock feature was introduced.

    Greyhost is most popular because it replaced kaalgrontiid which replaced Vivec. Vivec was also the most populated campaign. Ravenwatch is sucessor of Balogdahn and sotha sil and Blackreach. Shor(7 day faction lock didnt existed at this time) was replaced by mulanmiir(7 day no faction lock) then another 30 day no faction lock dragon name campaign then blackreach, also 30 days no faction lock). Most players and guilds that played on shor still play on blackreach.
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